Chapter 14

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Diana could hear them shuffling around the room but she refused to open her eyes. She wanted reality to go back to before she ever met Gregory, back to when she was happy and carefree, but she knew that would never happen again. She forced herself to relax her breathing and clear her mind but she couldn't. Her mind wouldn't stop racing over what happened. She felt her chest tighten but she refused to let the tears slip free. She wouldn't break down in front of them again, she wouldn't, she couldn't. It wasn't right or appropriate. Her lungs started to burn but she didn't care.

"Let it go Sweetheart," John whispered as he came over to the bed. He picked up her hand and started rubbing circles on the top of her hand. "Don't keep it bottled up, it's okay, let it out. It's okay, we won't judge you one bit, you need to cry and let it out."

She yanked her hand away and let out a shaky breath. "I'm fine," She said through clenched teeth. "I just want to be left alone."

"Sweetheart," John started to protest but the door opened so the three of them turned to see who it was. They internally sighed in relief when they realized it was their doctor.

"I came to check on the patient," he said walking over to the machines. "What caused her heartrate to spike and oxygen to drop? Did you piss her off?"

"Yes," She whispered, "I want to be alone please."

"You heard her," the doctor nodded, "I have to do what's best for her and to keep her calm so she can recover faster. Please leave the room."

"But," Gabriel started to protest but Jason shook his head.

"Fine we will leave the room but we're not leaving the clinic Luv," Jason nodded. "We will be right outside the room and when you are well enough to leave you will be coming home with us. Do you understand Luv?"

"Yes Sir," She replied meekly.

"Good girl," He said running his fingers through her hair. They saw the involuntary flinch but didn't comment on it. "Try and get some sleep." They stepped out of the room but didn't shut the door all the way so they could hear what was being said.

"Can I take a shower please?" She asked the doctor and he nodded.

"Let me get some water proof bandages then you can," he said softly. "I will go get them then explain everything before I do it so you know what is happening."

"Thank you Doctor," She said as he helped her sit up. He left the room and shut the door behind him. "Something you need to realize about her. Whatever she used to be she isn't right now. She is a vulnerable woman who has been through hell. She is trying to grasp onto any sort of control she can right now but is also extremely overwhelmed. The only thing that is keeping her grounded right now is her place as your assistant and you as her bosses. Workers don't break down in front of their bosses, she wants to break down in private so let her. Don't force her to in front of her right now. I know you want her to cling to you for safety and she will but right now let her do it in the shower. She needs you to take control of everything else right now."

"Is that your professional advice?" Jason asked respectfully.

"As her doctor, as a Dom, and as someone old enough to be you father," Doctor Warren said sternly. "I have seen a lot over the years, this is a girl that is trying to be strong despite everything she went through. Give her some comfort of a little normalcy between you to keep her grounded."

"Hey Doc?" Gabriel asked softly. Doc Warren looked at him, "do you think she will ever be a bratty spitfire again? The last time she was this....meek was when we first hired her. It's been years since she's been this way. We know it will take time for her to overcome this but will she ever be the way she was?"

"With time and security yes," Doc Warren nodded. "I won't give you a time frame because it will ultimately be up to her. But yes, I think once she starts to feel safe again then she will start to test being her limits and eventually she could be a brat to you again. Although that would have to be something I see with my own eyes in order to believe it. I can't fathom seeing that tiny thing in there backtalking and refusing to listen to the three of you."

"I can show you some videos of her at work for proof," John chuckled. "She definitely is feisty."

"I'd rather see it in person," Doc Warren chuckled. "Now I need to get her some bandages so she can take a shower. I'm sure she wants to try and remove any trace of what happened off of her."

"I'll go get her some soft pajamas," Jason said, "And chocolate and some books."

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