Chapter 5

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Sure enough an hour later she came strolling back in with Henry following right behind carrying two large bags in each hand. "Thank you so much Henry, I really appreciate it," she smiled at him as he sat them down beside her.

"You're welcome Ma'am," he said as he walked back into the back.

The men stepped out of Gabriel's office and came over to her. She picked up the food they had left on her desk and handed it to them. John took it and reheated it then brought it back to her. She glared but started eating it making them smile.

"Just curious Mi Amor," Gabriel said intrigued, "We've been to your apartment, all your bookcases are filled, where are all these books going to go?"

"I got a new bookcase, it'll be delivered tonight after I get off work," she shrugged as handed the card back over to them.

"Pretty soon you'll have to move into a bigger apartment so you have room for all your books," Jason smirked.

"Eventually I'll have my own library but not today," she shook her head.

"You could just move into our mansion and have the library we have," John shrugged causing her to scoff in disgust.

"Just because that spare room has a bookcase and two books on it doesn't make it a library," she shook her head. "And it will be a cold day in hell before I live with you three. Do you seriously think I want to live with you and see your latest conquests come and go more than I already see at work? Fuck no."

"Never say never Luv," Jason smiled. "You don't know what the future holds."

They walked off and forced back a chuckle when she called out, "I know it doesn't call for me to be your latest fling! And quit calling me names of endearment!"

"Never going to happen Sweetheart," John chuckled then shut his door just in time for something to hit the door instead of his back.

The rest of the morning went by uneventfully, just as she was about to leave for lunch she hear the elevator open and she internally rolled her eyes as Steve walked over to her desk.

"Hey Sugar," he smirked down at her.

"Seriously?" She scoffed, "that's what you've come up with?"

"What? You don't like it?" He asked a little offended.

"No, I don't," She shook her head. "I also don't like PDA or other ways of showing affection in a business place. That sort of stuff is for at home not work. Now what are you doing here Steve?"

"I wanted to see if you would like to join me for lunch," he said as he sat on the corner of her desk.

"It's not her lunch break yet," Gabriel growled from his doorway.

"I can answer for myself Sir," She glared at him.

"You can't speak to them that way," Steve gasped in fear.

"I can speak to them anyway I see fit," She turned on him. "But as they have already answered for me, it is not my lunch break yet so you came up here for no reason."

"Oh ok," He nodded, "hey will you be at the work party tonight?"

The guys held their breath as they waited for her answer. "Actually no I won't," She shook her head. "I have other plans."

"What else could you possibly be doing that will be more fun that going to the party?" Steve asked.

"I do not have to answer that," She glared at him. "I have made it perfectly clear that I will not be attending the party so I need you to leave now so I can get back to work."

"Okay Sugar," he smirked. "Maybe another time. I love the chase, it makes the reward worth it."

"Hey Steve?" She asked making him turn back around to face her.

"Yes Sugar?" He smirked as she smiled softly up at him.

"Can I tell you something?" She turned all innocent like and the guys watched intently. Steve nodded and she beamed, "I just wanted to tell you," She leaned over to him making him lean close to her. She waited a few seconds then smirked, "that you will never have a chance with me. I am not interested in you and never will be. So get it through you thick skull right now and stop bothering me. Now leave me alone and get out of my office."

Steve looked at her shocked so John cleared his throat, "You heard her."

"Yes Sir," He nodded and dashed for the elevator.

"Like I said Mi Amor," Gabriel chuckled once the elevator doors shut, "you can be scary sometimes."

"Now, what am I going to do about lunch?" She pouted to herself then shrugged. "Oh well, I'll just grab something after work."

"Like hell you will," Jason glared. "I told you no skipping meals."

"I'm not," She glared at him, "I'm delaying it."

"Diana..." John warned.

"Sir?" She looked up at him innocently.

They rolled their eyes and groaned, "I swear if you were ours...."

"Well, I'm not," She shut them down. "I will never be yours. So get the thought and any other thoughts out of your thick skulls and go prepare for your meetings."

"No," Gabriel glared. "We're going to get you something to eat."

"I'll just refuse to eat it," She refuted making them growl.

"You little girl," John growled while rubbing his hands together, "are in serious need of being disciplined. You are really starting to push it."

"And there's nothing you can do about it," She crossed her arms. "Seriously? What the fuck are you going to do, fire me? Please I would love to see you try to run this place without me. You already said you depend on me too much. Now leave me alone. I will eat when I so choose and it's not right now."

"Come on," Jason said clapping his hand on John's shoulder. "Let's go get some fresh air and give everyone a chance to cool down. If you change your mind, please go get something to eat Luv." He placed the company card down on her desk then guided John to the elevator.

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