Chapter 21

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"Come on Luv, time to head home," Jason said as he pulled her headphones off her head.

She shook her head as she kept typing, "You go ahead," she waved her hand up in the air absentmindedly. "Henry can take me home when I am done, I have to finish this."

"No, come on, Sweetheart," John said pulling her chair back. "You can finish tomorrow."

"I'm almost done," She huffed as she continued typing while standing. "Just give me five more minutes."

"Five minutes, then we are leaving, whether you are done or not, Mi Amor," Gabriel said as he grabbed his jacket and slid it on.

"Yeah, yeah," She mumbled as she kept typing. "I hear you."

"What did we just say?" John asked smirking.

"Don't forget the meeting next Tuesday on reviewing the prototype of the new ocean machine," She said while staring at her screen, "as if I would forget, I was the one who scheduled the meeting. You also have that meeting with Mr. Blacksmith from New York tomorrow."

"That's not what we said," John said pulling her away from her desk while Jason saved her work then shut it down.

"Hey, I wasn't done!" She shouted then froze and looked down at the ground, "Sorry Sir."

"Don't be," John smiled. "But it is time to leave and get some dinner. You can finish it tomorrow, okay?"

"Yes Sir," She nodded then turned to grab her purse and jacket.

Just as they stepped out of the building a group of men stepped out of their vehicles. Diana noticed they were all dressed in suits and had an aura of power coming from them. Henry stood in front of her, blocking their view of her.

"Is that Diana Cooper?" The man in front asked.

"Why do you want to know?" Jason asked cautiously.

"I want to apologize for what Gregory did," Noah said straightening his tie.

"It's okay Henry," John said and Henry stepped to the side but still remained close.

"I am so sorry Dear," Noah said stepping forward. "I never raised him that way, I treated his mother like a goddess and alas it turned her into a monster that thought everyone should worship her no matter what she did. Unfortunately, my status and the way she treated Gregory warped his mind. If I knew I wouldn't have allowed it. Please forgive me."

"It's not your fault," Diana said cautiously. "You had no idea and he knew what he was doing was wrong and still chose to do it. I'm just sorry you lost your son from it. He had his good moments at times."

"Thank you," Noah nodded and stepped back. "I will still protect you any way I can. Speaking of which, I need to have a meeting with your bosses when they are available. I have some information for them about the recent attack at their place."

"You found out information on the people that almost shot Diana?" Gabriel asked and Noah nodded.

"Why don't you have that meeting now?" Diana asked. "Henry can take me to get something to eat and then take me to the house. You know he won't let me out of his sight until you get back."

"Are you sure Sweetheart?" John asked and she nodded. "Alright but strictly to get food then straight home, understood?"

"Yes Sir," Diana nodded and Henry placed his hand on her lower back.

"This way Ma'am," he said as he led her to his car. They picked up Chinese then headed to the mansion. Once they got there he locked the doors and did a perimeter check while she got out plates for the both of them then stored the rest for when the guys got back.

When she was done eating she told Henry she was going to take a shower then headed up to her room. She took a shower and then changed into something comfortable. She headed to the media room and turned on the ID channel.

"You are currently living with the three most feared Mafia leaders, don't you have enough excitement in your life right now?" Henry chuckled as he saw what she was watching.

"They aren't scary to me," She shrugged as she wrapped a blanket around her.

"You are something else, you know that?" Henry chuckled and she shrugged.

"Hey Henry," She said as she watched him turn to leave. He stopped and she smiled softly. "Thank you for everything."

"Of course Ma'am," He nodded and left the room to check on his teams.

She turned back to the TV and soon became engrossed in the show.

It was around midnight when John, Jason, and Gabriel strolled into their mansion covered in blood. "She's asleep in the media room," Henry said calmly. "She wanted to get you Chinese so it's in the fridge when you get out of your showers."

"Thank you Henry," John said as they headed to their bathrooms.

They took quick showers and then headed to the media room to see for themselves. There she was, all curled up on the couch snuggled under a blanket fast asleep. "She was watching the ID channel?" Gabriel chuckled as they entered the kitchen where Jason started making everyone's plates.

"Come on, let's just eat then head to bed," Jason said as he handed each of them a fork. After they ate, John loaded the dishwasher and Gabriel went to make sure everything was locked up for the night.

"Shhhh Sweetheart," John whispered as he picked her up and she whimpered in her sleep. "We're just going to bed, go back to sleep." She smiled softly and snuggled into his hold even more before drifting off into sleep again.

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