Chapter 28

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John groaned as fire erupted all over his body. There was loud ringing in his ears. "Fuck," He coughed as his lungs burned. His body screamed as he rolled over. "Jason," He coughed, "Gabe," he coughed again as he got on his knees and started crawling through all the debris. It hurt to move or breathe but he had to go check on the others and make sure they were okay. He could move and breathe so he would be okay, he needed to make sure Jason and Gabe were alive.

"John," Gabe moaned through the cloud of dust. "Jason."

"Over here," Jason coughed as the ringing continued in John's ears.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" all three men heard screaming but it was so distorted that it was hard to understand who was screaming. "John, look at me," hands touched his face and he soon became face to face with Doc Warren. "Look at me," Doc said sternly. "Come on," he said as he looped John's arm around his neck and helped him stand. "Come on."

"Wait," John coughed, "Jason, Gabe."

"I'll get them," Doc nodded. "Lay here, do NOT move."

"Got it Doc," John groaned as he took short breaths and closed his eyes from the sunlight. A few minutes later he heard two more groans. He opened his eyes to see Jason and Gabriel laying on each side of him. "How Doc?"

"None of you were answering your goddamn phones," Doc complained as he ripped their shirts off and started assessing their wounds. "So I got a bad feeling and told Henry to lock down Diana's room and come to check on you. Imagine my fucking surprise to see your place knocked down to smithereens. What the fuck happened?"

"Ethan's body," Gabe coughed, "Bomb." Fuck, his chest and head hurt so much.

"Jesus H fucking Christ," Doc shook his head. "Shut the fuck up and let me check you out."

"Diana," Jason groaned. His whole body burned but he took it as a good sign, pain meant he was alive. Once they knew who did this shit, they were going to pay severely. He had to get better so he could start seeking revenge. No one did this to their queen and them. Hell was about to come and boy would it be sweet. So many ideas and so little time. Well guess that wasn't true, he could use the time healing to plan out exact what he wanted to do once he figured out who was behind this.

"Is fine," Doc interrupted, "Henry has the room on lock down until I come back, no one comes or goes. She was sleeping when I left. I suspect she is still sleeping." Just then his phone rang, "Speaking of, Henry. Yeah, you will never fucking believe it. Ethan's body was rigged, house is blown up. They are somewhat okay. No serious injuries thank fuck. I'm bringing them back, they will stay there. No, I don't see anyone else."

"Deserted," Gabe groaned, "just us."

"They said it was just them and the body," Doc Warren said looking around. "I don't know where the rest of the so called security is. We'll figure it out later, right now I just have to get them there." He hung up his phone and sighed. "Come on Boys, let's get to the hospital so I can properly check your wounds. I would call an ambulance but I just know I'm wasting my breath as stubborn as you men are. Just take your time and get to the van."

"Got it Doc," They groaned as they slowly rolled over and got on their knees then slowly stood. They leaned on one another and made it to the van. They got into the seats and groaned as Doc rushed back to the hospital.

"Bosses," Henry's voice was laced with worry as he stood in Diana's doorway and watched as doctors and nurses rushed them past Diana's room into a surgical room.

"They will be fine Henry," Doc Warren said coming over to him. "Ethan's body was rigged with a bomb. Someone from the security team did this, the whole team is gone except you and Ethan. Thankfully because of their good taste in furniture they had cover and it looks like they are more bruised than anything but I'm going to go check. I'll let you know as soon as I know something. They will recover with her, I'll make sure of it. They need you to watch of the little lady, got it?"

"Got it," Henry nodded then went back into her room. He paced as he waited for news on his bosses, just what the fuck was going on?

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