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Violet p.o.v

I sat on the bar stool inside the loud club.

I had a long day at work and desperately need a drink so my co worker, Macy, invited me out for a drink at this club down the street from my apartment

But what's funny was the first "hot" guy that said hey to her she left me to go dance with him

So here I was, at the counter sipping on my Shirley temple

It was good and I loved the burn traveling down my throat

"Hey pretty lady can I get you another one of those?" I heard the gruff voice of a man beside me

I turned to look at him. He looked like he was in his mid-thirties

His brown beard looked scratchy, he had big black bags under his eyes, his hair was messy and he had a creepy smile plastered on his lips

"I'm not going back to your home with you if that's what you're thinking" I smiled sarcastically

I looked over him and a black ring caught my eye on his finger.

The bastard was married.

His smile dropped at my turn down before he lifted his hand

The bartender came over

"This lady will have another one of those" he pointed at my drink and the bartender nodded, already knowing what I had considering he poured it the first time

He poured it to me again before handing me the cup and walked away to tend to someone else

"Thank you" I said, expecting him to leave but he stayed and stared at me

"Hey girl!" Macy slurred with a guy behind her hanging on to her hips

"Having fun?" I asked and took a sip of my drink

"You know it!" She giggled

"I have to pee so stay and watch my drink?" I glanced at the guy who paid for my drink

She nod and i went to the bathroom. I opened the door and the loud music faded in the background once i shut the steel door

My phone started ringing from my purse and I pulled it out

"Hello?" I answered without looking at the contact

"Hey where are you?" I pulled the phone back from my ear and saw it was Ali, my sister

"The club. Is there a problem?" I asked suspiciously

She never calls me unless she wants something or something is wrong.

I don't have any contact with my family. They all abandoned me when I came out lesbian

My "father" was homophobic and kicked me out of the house.

Mom watched like a little puppy who couldn't stick up for themselves and my sister stared blankly at me

I left and lived with my best friend Riah for a few weeks then got a job and now I'm back on my feet and dont need any of them

Riah had moved back to her home in Germany so we barely talked due to us both being busy a lot

"I can't just check up on my little sister?" She said jokingly

"Not when you watched her get kicked out" I seethed

If she didn't need anything then she shouldn't be calling my phone

She sighed, "That was four months ago, Violet. Grow up and get over it"

"Get over- what the fuck. Don't call my phone unless someone is dead or is so so close to dying" I hung up before she could answer

What a bitch.

I went to the toilet and peed before washing my hands and going back out to the club

The neon lights flashed in my face and I squinted my eyes

I went back to the counter, Macy was still there

When she saw me she winked then walked away


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