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Violet p.o.v

What the fuck was that?

Curse you body for being a horny slut! Curse you mind for being so God damn gay

But I couldn't help it... How she said it so low and sensual would have anybody creaming there panties

But my attitude was reasonable.. to me anyway

I was in the damn shower for about 20 minutes and got out only to go to the bedroom and see they didnt bring me clothes

I was mad and knocked on each door in the hallway. They had a big ass house and for what?

I knocked on the last door of the hall when I finally got a "come in"

They were both on the bed, staring at me when i opened the door and i knew why

I only had on a towel

I asked for the clothes with a attitude, i admit, but I was irritated.

I know i shouldn't act the way I am. They saved me i should be worshipping them but it was in my nature to be a brat

Ive always been one and some people could handle it while other just simply didnt like me for it

Blake came over with my clothes in her hand. She held it out and I was ready to snatch it but when I reached for it she yanked it back

She leaned forward so I could feel her hot breath fanning against my face, she stared at me in the eyes

"Keep up with the attitude and I'll have you walk around naked. You wouldn't like that, would you?" She whispered

I felt a shiver go down my spine and fearfully shook my head no and gripped the towel tighter

I didn't want that. I wasn't insecure but if they stared at me if I walked around I'd feel insecure

"Exactly so get rid of it before I get rid of it for you princess"

I gulped down the thick salvia that just sat at the top of my throat and clinched my thighs together

I should not be wet the way I am

And I'm not talking about shower water wet

She smirked openly and handed me the clothes. I quickly grabbed them and rushed away to the room I was previously in

Damn it. I'm so gay.

I was starting to put on the clothes when i realized I had no panties

I still put on the spandex shorts and wore my same bra then put on the jacket


I dried my hair with the towel, used the comb I found in the bathroom and combed it out before putting it in a messy bun

I looked around and saw a fresh pack of toothbrushes. I grabbed one and brushed my stink breath

Then i left out the room and went downstairs

As I was looking around i spotted a young girl in maid uniform dusting off the small table pushed against a random hall wall

I went over to her and cleared my throat for her attention

She jumped and slowly turned to me, "Yes miss?" She asked quietly.

"Um can i- I mean can you ask Blake or- or Autumn for some you know" I pointed to my bottom "panties" I whispered

Her eyes widen, "um yes I will ask my mistress for you"

I would ask for myself if i didn't find it so embarrassing to do so

I followed behind the short maid girl as she walked to the big living room that the two breath taking women were in

"Mistress's" she called for they attention and they stopped chatting to look at her but then looked at me once seeing me behind her

"Did she get lost?" Blake asked

"I'm not sure but she came to me and asked if I could ask you guys for some underwear" the young maid whispered the last part

As if someone snapped a finger both their eyes traveled down my body like they were undressing me

Gradually their eyes grew darker the more they looked

Autumn was the first to break, "Follow me. I have some new ones I never put on"

I followed behind her and as we went up the stairs that's when she begin talking

"Why didn't you ask yourself?"

I blushed but when I didn't answer she stopped and turned around

"Ask. You have a mouth why use my maid to ask? You've been using that mouth for far more attitude... why not ask something so simple?" She taunted and my body grew hotter

I was feeling humiliated but for some odd reason loved the way she was embarrassing me

"Can I get some p-panties" I shyly asked

"Hm? Speak up i cant hear you" she teased

"I- I need some underwear please!" I squeaked a little louder

She laughed, "Why didn't you just say so instead of walking around my home with none on?"

My body was rapidly growing so hot. A cold shower would help

I bit my lip and played with the hem of the jacket


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