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Blake p.o.v
2 hours later

"WE'RE HOME!" I yelled but got no response

I expected my princess to come running downstairs she didn't

It was eerily quiet in the house.

I looked to Autumn concerned before dropping the bags I got from the store, gifts for Violet.

Me and Autumn rushed upstairs in fear that something bad could've happened

I pushed open her room door and the sight of her room surprised me

Me and Autumn gasped

Her sheets were on the floor, the mattress hanging lopsided on the spring box, the curtains & blinds snatched from the window, her night stand knocked over and the lamp knocked over too, the light bulb shattered into a million pieces, her drawers were all hanging out of the dresser and her clothes were scattered across the room. I looked to the wall and the rules were knocked on the floor and the glass frame that held it up also broken

Violet was sitting on the floor, slumped. Her back against the footboard.

Her red face was stained with tears, her hair messy like she'd been pulling at it, and her clothes wrinkled

She didn't appear to be dead as her chest heaved up and down and she let out tiny snores

I looked at Autumn with a confused and worry stare

Autumn's face mirrored mine.

I avoided all the glass and picked up Violet

"Baby go get a maid to clean this up" i whispered, careful not to wake my princess

Autumn hummed and I heard her feet leaving away

I walked out of the room and into the hallway

Princess wiggled in my arms

"I'm sorry daddy.... Kitten a bad girl" she mumbled tiredly

"No kitten not" I whispered and rubbed her back, luring her back to sleep

She hummed contently and fell asleep on my shoulder again

Fuck princess what happened?


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