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Violet pov 


My face tinted pink at the claps going around the room 


"No, Macy. Leave them poor people alone" I harshly whispered and sent them a fake smile 

"Girl they dont care. They all look like they were about to fall asleep anyway" she brushed it off 

Everybody cheered before starting to sing. I awkwardly stood there at all the attention on me 

"Whats going on here?" i heard the voice of my voice. Everybody immediately shut up and scurried back off to their box desks

"Uh- its Violet's birthday so we were just singing for her" Macy explained nervously, a little shimmer of fear in her eyes 

"Get back to work before I fire you. Violet, to my office now" he ordered 

Macy sent me a apologetic look and kissed my cheek before heading to her desk. My hands became clammy as I walked behind my boss 

He was a bald headed man, belly hanging over his pants and he wore glasses, a predatory look in his eyes as he eyed the women 

He's a creep

We walked into his office and he shut the door behind me before going to his desk 

"Have a seat" he pointed to the black chair 

I shook my head in refusal.  "I'd rather stand, thank you though"

Just in case I needed to run i'd be ready 

"Okay suit yourself then" he shrugged and flopped into his seat making a strong musty smell hit my nose hard. I tried not to grimace, "Whats wrong? Your face is twitching?"

I tried not to snicker but it slipped out anyway and I quickly composed myself. "Nothing is wrong, just something was bugging my eye. Is there something you need, boss?"

"Oh just call me Henry when we are alone" he waved it off, "I heard it was your birthday?"

Oh its not like you didnt walk in on them singing happy birthday or its not like you didnt hear Macy literally say "Its Violet birthday"

I held back a eyeroll and gave him a tight lipped smile 

"Yea it is"

"You know-" he stood up and came around the desk. "I always thought you were so beautiful"

I awkwardly chuckled and stepped back a tiny bit 

"Wow thank you"

"Happy birthday Violet. Do you want your gift?" he creepily smiled 

"Wha-" before I could continue he grabbed my arm and i felt crusty, rough lips against mine 

I didnt have time to process when he shoved his tongue pass my lips 

I punched his arm and pushed away 

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I shouted and back up, breathing heavy as fear settled in my chest. Tears pricked at my eyes, threatening to fall 

I want Blake or Autumn

"You know you like it Violet. Don't be bad, just come here. Just give in" he started walking closer to me 

I felt around for the door and as I glanced back to grab the knob i was suddenly knocked to the floor 

"NO NO STOP!" I shouted and started kicking my feet frantically 

"Violet give in, just give in" He grunted and held my wrist tightly 

With my nails I dug them into his skin and scratched 

"Ow- you bitch!" he yelled and slapped my face hard

My vision went blurry for a second and I tasted that metallic taste in my mouth

Blake pov 

Autumn giggled and snuggled into my side as we watched the new movie 'Adamns project'

Its such a good movie. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her into me, pressing a tender kiss on the top of her head 

My phone started ringing and I picked it up looking at the contact as I did so. Violet.

Isn't she supposed to be at work? I picked up the phone 

"Hello Princess?"

Instead of hearing that soft voice like I expected to I instead heard a sniffle 

"It's V-violet she- shes in the hospital" the person on the other end let out a cry 

My whole world felt like it stopped and  i pulled away from Autumn

"Y-yeah our b-boss tried to r-ra-" she let out a sob before she could continue. "Please come to the hospital"

"I'll be there" I hung up and rushed to get up from the couch 

"Whats wrong?!" Autumn asked worried as she followed behind me 

"Violets in the hospital. Her boss attempted to rape her" I could feel the lump sitting in my throat as I said those words 

Flashbacks from my childhood through teenagehood were starting to resurface

No no please Violet, don't leave 

I cant go through this again....


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