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Blake p.o.v

Laying next to Violet as she slept, I was reading my book

It was 8pm and we got home at 2pm yet she still wasn't woke from her nap

I obviously spoke to soon because next thing I knew was I felt her shifting beside me

"What are you reading?" She asked, her voice ruff

From the looks of her and her room I knew she had a mental breakdown

I would know what a mental breakdown looks like by now anyway..

And when having a mental breakdown people tend to scream the cause of that breakdown so I made her some tea to help with her sore throat

It was still hot as a maid brought it only 5 minutes ago

No maids knew what was happening in princess room because that room was specifically sound proof

My brother had that room before her...

I handed her the tea and she blew it before sipping on it

Autumn climbed in bed on the other side of my princess, I shut my book

"Hey kitten... How are you feeling?" Autumn asked softly

Princess took another sip of her tea before handing it back to me

"I'm fine" she smiled weakly

"How about you tell us what happened?" I said slowly and turned to her

She looked like she really didn't want to

"I don't wanna I just..." She kissed and me and I kissed her back, thinking it's what she needed to calm her nerves but I knew that wasn't the case when she grabbed my shorts waist band and tugged on it.

"No baby.. tomorrow maybe but today tell us what happened" I said pulling her away

She whined and turned to Autumn. She kissed down her neck and sucked on the little cleavage showing

Autumn gently removed her and pecked her lips

"We know what you're doing. You are avoiding the conversation and what happened so this is a new rule. If something happened or went wrong you have to tell us about it" Autumn said sternly

Princess whined and kicked her feet, pouting and her eyes watered

We let her have her mini temper tantrum

"Tell us what happened, princess"

She sighed and leaned on Autumn's chest and held my hand

For the thirty minutes she told us about her homophobic "father", getting put out, her sister, and the call that her sister gave her earlier today

I was mad.

Mad at her "sister", Ali. How could she call her selfish?

She was no where near selfish.

She was just treating them how they treated her

Some people just don't deserve the right of having children


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