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[Double update for getting me to 1k views alr. Thank u gorgeous/handsome people 🙏🏼]

Blake p.o.v

Once we dropped Violet off me and my wife was so horny

It was hard to control ourselves

During the whole ride home I couldn't stop feeling on her and at every red light we had a make out secession

I just couldn't help it. The way she spanked Violet today after losing her cool was such a turn on

When we finally got home we barely made it upstairs as we were kissing and she was sucking on my neck

Breathlessly I opened the room door and let her push me down on the bed

She kissed me and our tongues fought for dominance. She pushed her hips down on mine, warning me to give up and I reluctantly did so

She devoured my mouth before trailing kisses down my throat and she latched on to my soft spot

She licked, nibbled, and sucked on it making me a moaning mess as she marked me as hers

She lifted up and pulled my shirt over my head then continued to kiss down my chest

I arched my back and she reached under to unclip my bra

Taking one of my breast in hand she wrapped her plump lips around the nipple making me moan

I threw my head back when she nibbled and pinched my other stiff bud at the same time

"Come on baby" I moaned and tried to push her down by her shoulders

"Patience baby" she kissed back up to my mouth and pecked before going back to my breast

She was such a fucking tease when she is in charge

I bucked my hips up into hers, searching for any friction to satisfy my throbbing heat

I gasped loudly when she finally helped me out and pushed a thick thigh between my legs

I bucked my hips, feeling a little relief although my jeans were blocking most of the pleasure

I wrapped my arms around her neck, "Mm baby" I moaned

She pushed her thigh harder and I almost came right then and there

I was on edge but not quite there to fall over edge

I needed her mouth, fingers, something!

I was getting desperate that i almost begged

After marking my boobs and leaving a few purple marks she started kissing down my stomach

She removed her thigh and gripped my jeans

Panting, I lifted my hips up to help her take them off

Next came off my soaked panties.

Before throwing them across the room she licked the middle part of where most of my wetness was and moaned quietly

I whimpered with need

Fuck she sure did know how to tease

She smirked before lifting my legs on her shoulders.

I felt her breathe fan my clit before she slowly but tentatively lick a long stripe of my juice

I moaned loud and threw my head back, my thighs squeezed her head

She started to doing more licks pressing her tongue down hard.

I was going crazy inside and was trying not to flip us over and ride her face but it was so hard

I gasped as I felt her lips wrap around my clit and she sucked it into her mouth harshly

I brought my hand down and gripped onto her red hair

Shit did her mouth know how to work!

I grind on her face hastily until I felt that knot starting to form at the pit of my stomach

She released my clit and I was about to whine when suddenly she thrust her tongue into my vagina hole

I choked on a gasp and my hips stuttered before I started humping her face faster

"Im almost there! Oh god baby im going to cum!" I let out in a strangled moan and threw my head back before cumming in her mouth

My pussy continuously clenched around her tongue as I let it all out

She didnt stop tongue fucking me until my thighs stopped shaking meaning I was finished

She trailed kisses back up my body while I lightly panted

"Damn I love how you sound when you cum" she whispered and kissed me

I moaned, tasting myself on her tongue

I let out a breath through my nose before flipping us over, I smirked at the surprised look on her face

"Your turn"


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