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6 years later
Autumn pov

I walked into the house and shut the door behind me

"WIVES IM HOME" I shouted and waited for Blake or Violet to come down the steps

I heard feet running against the floor and picked up Noah as he jumped into my arms

"I said wives but this is even better" I smiled and rubbed my nose against his

"I not a wife mama!" he squealed and giggled

"No you not. Where is your mommy and daddy?"

"Mommy and daddy napping" he said and laid his head on my shoulder

I patted his back and walked up the stairs

It's been a long 6 years. After the incident that took place 4 years ago we've been okay


We rushed into the hospital and ignored the lady at the front desk calling for us to come back

Blake shouted at the passing doctors to tell us where Violet was. It was no success until we saw a familiar black hair sitting in a chair outside of a room sniffling

"Macy?" I asked, my voice shaky

She looked up quickly and her eyes went wide. She quickly stood up

"I'm so sorry- I didnt- I swear I didn't mean for this to h-happen" she croaked, her voice wobbly

"We dont blame you" i said softly and grabbed her shoulder to calm her

"I would never hurt Violet like that. She's my bestfriend y-you gotta believe me"

"Its okay" I pulled her into a hug. That seemed to make her cry even more

"Are you Violets family?" I heard a voice say and looked up. It was a lady in a coat, clip board in hand

"Uh yes" Blake said and stepped forward

"She seems to be doing fine. No heart problems or seizures. It seems as when she was trying to get away he held her down. She has dark bruises scattered along her arms, thighs, stomach and one on her face. We found his skin in her nails meaning she scratched him in attempt to get away. We found blood in her hair and had to remove just a patch to see where it was coming from. Her skull was cracked so we had to do a quick surgery in order to save her. We ran a test to see if he inserted himself into her- luckily Macy came just in time. When she awakes she wont remember anything or anyone for the past 30 or more minutes so take it easy with her. I'm positive she's going to have PTSD and have anxiety attacks. Once released from the hospital you should take her to see someone. Thats all for now, you can go in"

She informed us before tucking her pen behind her ear and walked away. My head was swimming at the information given to us in such a short but quick manner

My kitten is hurt, someone dared to hurt her. I looked over to Blake and could see the anger in her eyes

Macy broke away from me and walked into the room. I rubbed Blake's arm before going in too

She looked so broken that it almost caused me to cry. Her head was wrapped up in a white gauze, a blue, green, yellow, and partly purplish bruise sat huge on her cheek. her wrist were also wrapped in gauze and machines attached to her on every part of her body

Tears streamed down my cheek and I picked up her hand.

Fuck, Kitten

Macy broke down away and laid her head on Violet's leg as she cried

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