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[Dedicated to Awoken-Thorn ]

Blake p.o.v

I made breakfast for our guest. According to the doctor she should be up soon so Autumn offered to stay up there with her while I made breakfast

Since we had two kitchen, one upstairs and one down stairs I made breakfast at the one upstairs so I could hear Autumn incase the girl woke up

Our mansion was basically two houses in one

"She's woke!" I heard the shout of my wife and quickly placed all the food on the tray and two Tylenols at the top for her headache

I walked to the room and opened the door

"Who- who are you guys? And what happened" she asked and looked over to my wife

I stayed looking emotionless as did my wife

Poor girl. Must've been traumatic for her.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I asked and walked closer to the bed slower, careful to not frighten her and not spill the apple juice

Her face change to a look of sarcasm, "Would I have asked 'what happened' if I knew?" She snapped and it surprised me but I didn't show it

I sucked my teeth. What a brat.

Me and Autumn had to deal with a lot of brats during our time together and we knew how to handle them fairly well.

"Mm fair enough" I said

My wife gave a quick summary of what happened

She looked even more confused and I sat the tray of food on her lap. Autumn and I looked at her expectantly

Surely she must be starving so why haven't she started eating yet?

"Um can you not watch me eat?" She asked awkwardly but we didn't look away as we only answer to manners "please" she added seeing as we weren't looking away

Me and Autumn looked at each other.

She has to be a sub. There's no way this girl is a top/Dom

And I'm sure my wife was thinking the same thing

I went over and sat on my wife's lap, she wrapped her arms around my waist

"I know your curious as to who we are and where you are" I said

She paid me no attention as digged into her food, first taking a bite of the eggs and moaning as she chewed them

At that sound a shiver crawled up my spine and my wife's arms discreetly squeezed me, trying to obviously control herself

We were definitely feeling the same thing once hearing that sound.

The girl looked up when I didn't say more and she blushed probably realizing why we froze

Autumn cleared her throat, knocking me out my daze, "Babe go on.."

I hummed and explained everything


After getting off the phone with whoever was calling her and texting her she sat her phone down beside her on the bed and looked up

Me and my wife were both staring at her

I couldn't help it. She was so beautiful and after our last sub we were still looking for someone..

Me and Autumn had recently decided to try out a three way relationship with a sub. We have 2 so far.

The first one had to move away so we lost contact with her and the second one she didn't want to be our sub anymore.

Autumn and I have had subs before getting married so we were quite experienced with the sub and Dom relationship.

We both are Dom's and you could guess how that went during sex but we came up with a rule that we take turns on who dominates.

It gets hard giving up your control but thats how it has to go until we get a sub then we can both dominate them.


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