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Violet p.o.v

The creepy man was still sitting there but sipping on a drink of his own

I picked up the drink and gulped it down. I needed it as Ali just pissed me off and ruined my chill mood

I felt the burn travel down my throat but didnt care

I slammed the glass on the counter and raised my hand for another

"Woah woah there slow down" i heard the creep say from beside me

I glared at him. "Why are you still here? Im not going to your-" before I could continue my ears started ringing

I reached up and covered my ears as the music started to sound slower.

My vision blurred and I felt like I was going in circles fast

"Oh yes you are" i heard but it was muffled slightly

I felt rough hands grabbed my waist and I tried to pull away but my limbs felt heavy

I felt myself being taken outside. The cold wind brushed against my uncovered arms and legs

"S-stop!" I slurred and tried to resist but it was no use

I tried to scream but I couldn't hear if I was

"Stop acting like that bitch!" The creepy man shouted and my head snapped sideways

My cheek sting. My back collided with what I assume was a car door

I heard the sound of keys jiggling

I closed my eyes. I was getting kidnapped and no one was hear to save me

I thought I was done for when I heard the clock of something

I tried to open my heavy eyelids the best I could.

I saw the outline of a gun pointed against the creepy guy head. A tall person was behind the gun and hair cascading down their shoulders

"You're gonna let her go, get in the car and never come back to this club. If I catch you around here consider yourself dead"

I was released and my knees buckled beneath but before I could hit the ground soft arms wrapped around my waist and held my up

The car door slammed shut and the engine purred before the tires screeched on the road and he was off

I tried to see what my knight & shining armor looked like but my eyes wasn't on the same page and fell shut


I woke up on soft sheets with a banging headache.

I groaned and sat up on my arms but they gave out and I fell back again

"She's woke!" A female voice shouted from beside me and I held my head at the throb that came from the yelling

"Shhh" I quieted them harshly

I tried to open my eyes but the sun was pouring through the windows, blinding me

I tried again and this time I was successful but I had to squint my eyes

The room door opened and in came a women that I didn't know.

Her hair dirty blonde hair was up in a ponytail, only a few strands falling on her flawless face. Her olive skin was kissed by the sun pouring into the room. Her face held no emotion as she came in with a tray full of food that smelled so good

"Who- who are you guys? And what happened" I asked and looked over to a redhead

Her freckled face showed no emotion just as her brown eyes did.

They both looked so serious

"Do you remember anything from last night?" The one carrying the food asked

My face dropped to a sarcastic one, "Would I have asked 'what happened' if I knew?" I snapped. I didn't mean to but my head was throbbing and I always got crabby when I had a headache or was in any time of pain

She sucked on her teeth, "Mm fair enough"

"Last night you got drugged and my lovely wife came to your rescue" the red head said apathetically

Wife? Drugged? What the fuck is going on here?

The food was set in my lap and I scooted up against the head board. It was eggs, bacon, and pancakes with a side of strawberries and apple juice.

Two pills sat at the top of the tray, I'm assuming Tylenol or Advil

I looked at the food then at them. They both looked at me expectantly

"Um can you not watch me eat?" I asked awkward and when neither looked away I added, "please"

They both turned to each other.

The blonde went and sat on the redhead lap.

"I know your curious as to where you are and who we are" the blonde started talking

I digged into my food. First taking a bite of the eggs and moaning at how good they were

I looked up when they didn't talk and saw them both starring at me with a dark look in there eyes

I blushed and looked away

The redhead cleared her throat, "Babe go on..."


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