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Violet p.o.v

"Hi" I waved shyly but squealed when I was pulled into a bear hug

"Hey sweetie! Oh god bubbles shes so beautiful" Autumn's mom I'm assuming gushed while looking over my face

I blushed at the compliment

Mrs. Landington has long red hair with a couple of gray streaks in it, wrinkles crinkled around her coffee brown eyes as she smiled widely, her teeth was straight with a few gaps here and there and her body was fit almost as if she was in her mid thirties and not 56-years-old.

"Bubbles?" I teased with a smile

Autumn was now blushing just as I was

"Thank you mama but don't call me that while shes here" Autumn smiled

"Oh hush" she waved Autumn off and pinched my cheeks before giving Blake a huge hug

"I missed you!" Mrs. Landington said to Blake

"I miss you too!" Blake said equally excited and they shared kisses on each cheeks. "I'm sorry for  hanging up so abrutly. I had something to handle" she glanced at me while i looked away 

"Its okay sweetheart. I dont even mind, I just miss you so much"

Autumn rolled her eyes, "I swear they both love each other more than they love me"

I giggled and smiled

"Oh this must be Violet!" I heard a slight raspy voice say and looked that way

It was practically another Autumn standing in front of me

Her hair is also red but a little darker then Autumn's almost brownish-redish, dark brown freckles sprinkled her flawless olive skin like candy, her pearly white teeth were shining bright as she smiled at me, two dimples drilled into both cheeks and her coffee browns eyes twinkled under the light

I was speechless. She's equally as fine as Autumn

God damn

I felt my chin being pushed up, "Might not want to stare, my sister and her wife gets jealous easily" she winked with a hot smirk


I swallowed thickly and adverted my eyes to Autumn and Blake, they were both glaring harshly at us and I shrunk a little

"Alina stop messing with Autumn's sub, go help mom in the kitchen" a deep voice said

I looked away from Autumn and Blake and to the guy coming in the room in a wheel chair

Alina scoffed and let go of my chin, "I didn't mess with anybody" she threw me a wink and sly smile before walking away

The guy in the wheel chair shook his head disapproving. He had chestnut hair, blue eyes and he was buff

His strong muscled arms were laying against the wheelchair arm before he lifted one up and held out his big hand

"August, former military member" he said in a 'im not playing any games' type voice

I shook his hand with a smile. "I used to want to be in the military"

"What made you change your mind?" He asked, genuinely curious

"The way people treat each other. They are killing each other and stuff so why risk my own life for people that's going to kill each other anyway?" I shrugged

He hummed and his lip twitched up a little before dropping back into a straight line

A darkskin guy with a short black hair came into the room and placed a kiss on August's cheek

"Hey darling" he whispered

"Hey baby" August responded back and they shared a kiss on the lips

I smiled at the adorableness

"Dude no PDA! We don't support the gays!" I heard someone shout and turned around a little surprised

A boy that looks like August came in except he had freckles just like Alina and his lips were more plump. His body was skinny like a twig but he still has muscles

"Shut up fucker" Autumn said and pushed the guy

He laughed and looked at me. "I'm just kidding, I'm all for gay people I mean look at my family. Two gay kids and I'm sure mom was gay too"

I heard Mrs. Landington yell from the kitchen

"Oh I was! It was a phase but back in the day I used to get my thing on with wo-"

"T-M-I HONEY" A deep gruff voice yelled then his voice turned low like he was trying to whisper but his naturally loud voice prevented him from doing so, "What does that mean again, Alina?"

Said girl huffed, "To much information. Dad if you can't remember don't say it"

"I did I just forget but yes T-M-I honey. In case you didn't know it means; to much information" he said with a smug voice

Mrs. Landington laughed whole-heartedly, "I'm sure everyone knows now. Lord knows you don't know how to whisper"

I couldn't do anything but smile at how close they are we're. This family is awesome and I wish i grew up with this type of family


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