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Blake p.o.v

"PRINCESS HURRY UP!" I shouted from the bottom of our stairs

Me and Autumn have been waiting for about 20 minutes for princess to get dressed

We have to be at that family dinner today. And I was getting impatient.

Autumn is always the patient one but I'm serious about being on time.

"I'm coming!" I heard her yell back and about a minute later I heard... Heels clacking? Against my marble floor upstairs

She appeared at the top of the stairs and my jaw dropped at what she was wearing

Autumn audibly sucked in a breath

Princess was wearing a really short black skirt and when she did a spin I could see her ass cheeks, she had on no underwear. Her top was practically a bra that showed hell of cleavage and it with tied in the middle, a red furry scarf was around her neck. Her hair was curled and she had on dark red lipstick.

Her heels were about 5 inches tall

"Princess what the fuck do you have on?! Go change now!" I seethed when she got to the bottom of the stairs

She giggled, "No. I'm trying to find me someone... Maybe Autumn's brother would want me" she smirked

Anger shot through my body and I grabbed her shoulders but I was itching to wrap my fingers around her pretty little throat

"Princess I'm not in the mood. Go get fucking changed" i said sternly

"Baby... She does look hot though" I heard Autumn in the background and shot her a glare

She held up her hands in a mocking surrender 

"Yeah what mommy said. Maybe you should ease up daddy, a lot of people want this. Stop being selfish.. it's not your pussy" she laughed

I sighed, "Princess go get changed.. now" I was dangerously calm now

A flash of fear appeared in her eyes before it turned into mischief

"Okay daddy" she turned around and walked up the first two steps before dropping her scarf purposely, "Oops how did that fall?" She giggled and slowly leaned over to pick it up

The skirt rode up and I could see all her ass and pink thin lips

I growled and snatched out my phone from my pocket. I clicked my Mrs. Landington contact

"Hey baby, on your way yet?" My wife's mom asked cheerfully

I tried to match her energy a little. "No Mrs. Landington we'll be late"

Before she could respond I hung up the phone

I glanced at Autumn and she was already looking at me while princess was slowly starting to stand back up, she turned around, smirking

"You want to play, let's play" i smirked and hers dropped

I went up to her and grabbed her hair roughly and started dragging her up the stairs

She whimpered and held my wrist

"Ow mommy it hurts" she whined to Autumn

"Sorry kitten... when Blake gets like that it's no stopping" my wife responded

I opened me and Autumn room door and threw princess on the bed 

I went to my closet and grabbed a belt, paddle, and vibrator

I came back out the closet and threw the items on the bed. Both their eyes widen

"Princess sit down, Autumn go sit in the chair. Don't touch yourself unless I say you can" I ordered

"What- i-" Autumn tried to protest but one look at her and she quietly sat down

I smirked.

I tied Violets hands behind her back and tightened the belt hard, she hissed

"What's the safe word?"

"Um.. p-pumpkin"

"Good. Green is for go, yellow for wait/slow down, red for stop. Don't cum unless i say you can and if you do without permission... Angel just know that dinner will be forgotten about. Understand?"


I landed a swift slap against her ass. Her body jumped.

"Correct yourself."

"Yes Miss" she squeaked

I looked to Autumn, lust was swimming in her coffee brown eyes

I sat down on the edge of the bed in front of Autumn and pulled Violet over my lap

I grabbed the paddle and tapped it against princess ass

"You'll be receiving 10 slaps. After each one I want you to count and say thank you with my title. Daddy, mistress, or miss is fine"

"Yes d-daddy"

"Don't go all shy on me now. Remember a lot of people want this so I'm just taking my piece" I dipped my hand between her thighs and rubbed her folds that is surprisingly and unsurprisingly wet

She moaned and whined when I removed my hand

I brought it up and it was soaking with her juice

I put my hands in front of Autumn's face. She took my fingers in her mouth and sucked on them until all the juice was gone

"Damn kitten you taste so good" she moaned

I bit my lip and picked back up the paddle. I raised it in the air



I brought it back down fast



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