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Violet p.o.v

I walked outside of the huge building and saw Blake standing there impatiently

She was wearing black jeans, a black silk dress shirt tucked into it neatly, and black heels. Her hair pulled back into a ponytail and face flawless as usual

Overall fuck did she look so hot

"Hi?" I questioned, wondering why she here

"Autumn wants to see you and forced me to come pick you up" she said blankly

Um okay? Why do Autumn want to see me

"Should I go clock out or.."

"Princess just tell them tomorrow that you got sick and needed to be home fast.. come on" she grabbed my hand and pulled me to her car

This time she was driving her black Lamborghini

I got in the passenger seat and sat awkwardly as she turned on the car

The engine purred to life and she took off down the street


"Hey, kitten" Autumn said when I walked into the mansion

She was wearing a black long sleeve turtleneck ticked into blue jeans that had a big rip on her thigh on the left leg and a medium rip on the knee of her right leg

The outfit showed all her curves and the turtle neck made her titties pop out the most

Damn mommy

"Checking out my wife? How rude of you" Blake said teasingly

I blushed at getting caught

Autumn only chuckled and ushered me to follow her to the kitchen

I was still in my work uniform which was just a white button up blouse and pencil skirt

I could feel Blake eyes burning into my ass and I felt shy under her gaze

"I have to go to the bathroom. Baby show her the kitchen" Autumn said and they shared some type of secret smirk

Confused as I was I followed her to the kitchen

When we got in there I was amazed. Everything was white marble and shining brightly

Blake went to the counter and sat in the seat, I stood confused as to what i should do

"Can you get me a cup? It's in the cabinet closer to the fridge" she said while looking at her phone

I hummed and went to the cabinet. The cabinet was high and i was short, standing at 5'1

So i stood on my tippy toes. I grunted, trying to stretch my body but it wasn't working

I heard the heels of Blake come closer

Her hands rested on my hips and she leaned down to my ear

"Mmm were you trying to get my attention?" She whispered in my ear before biting the shell of it

I shivered and my thighs trembled

"I- I was just g-geting the cup for y-you" I stuttered nervously

"I don't see that. I see you trying to show off them delicious curves by stretching high and making noises" she whispered

One of her hands left my hip and started traveling up to my boobs

I gasped as she grasped it in her hand before pulling back and unbuttoning my blouse

"You- you're wife- mmm- s-she'll-" I moaned when she pinched my nipples from the outside of my bra

"She'll want you too" she kissed on my neck, moved my bra down a little so my boobs could be shown and pushed her thigh between my legs

My skirt rode up and jumbled up on my hips, I felt her thigh against my panty converted pussy

I gasped and pressed down on it. I was so wet and it felt so good I couldn't help myself

I let my hands fall from the cabinet and gripped onto the counter as I grind against her thigh

"It- it feels so g-good" I moaned and grind harder

My pussy clenched around nothing as i drenched my panties even more

I bit my lip as she played with my nipples and kissed along my neck, occasionally biting softly

"Starting without me?" I heard Autumn's voice and gasped, quickly stopping my grinding against Blake's thigh

Blake backed up with a smirk and I blushed furiously while trying to cover my bra and avoid looking at Autumn

"I'm sorry" i whispered

She'd probably beat me up for coming onto her wife like a slut

But I didn't come on to her? It wasn't my fault

I feel like a homewrecker though

God I most likely ruined their marriage

But before I could continue overthinking about it I felt soft plush lips against mine

My eyes widen as I looked at ginger eyelashes before I closed mine and kissed her back

Oh fuck they both want me?

This has to be an open marriage!


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