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Blake p.o.v

"What the fuck are y'all looking at?" The brunette asked, breaking us from our trance.

I felt aggravated at her disrespect and wanted to put her in her place with a hit to her ass but I knew I couldn't.

She barely knew us.

From the side of my eye my wife bit her lip probably thinking of all the things she'd like to do to get this girl to show some respect

She was straining herself though and I could see it was becoming quite a challenge to do so

I glared at the small girl on the bed and could see her visibly shrink back a little into the cover

I fought off a smirk

"What did you just say?" I asked well more like growled as I stared at her, daring her to repeat herself

"W-what t-the-" she stuttered, all the confidence she had before disappearing as we both stared at her with narrowed eyes

"Hm I wouldn't repeat that if I were you" Autumn said and licked her bottom lip

She made a good decision to shut her pretty little mouth

I chuckled, "That's what I thought"

She blushed with embarrassment

"Have a shower. My wife will bring some clothes in here for you then we'll go haunt for your purse" I said and got up off Autumn's lap

We both left the room and went to our bedroom down the hall in quietness, both lost in our thoughts

I sat on my bed as my wife went to the closet to get that bratty girl some clothes

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked out of no where

"If you're thinking that she needs to be taught some respect by bending her over your lap and spanking her or if your thinking she would be the perfect sub we've been looking for then yes i am" she let out in one breath and turned around with a black hoodie that has white butterflies on the back and some gray spandex shorts with white socks for the girl

"I'm thinking pretty much both" I smirked

"Oh God it was so hard straining myself from grabbing her by her throat and showing her who's in charge" she groaned, set the clothes on the bed beside and crawling on my lap

She straddled me and I wrapped my arms around her waist while she wrapped hers around my neck

"I could feel you baby and you did such a good job not getting up and doing it" I whispered and kissed down her neck

She tilted her head back and bit her lip

"Mmm baby I'm not that easy to fool. It's your turn to get dominated" she smirked and pushed my shoulders back, I groaned.

I needed to let out my frustrations but I also know she needed to too and it was my turn to give it up

She only smirked and started kissing down my chest. Just as she reached for the hem of my shirt there was a knock on the door

She grunted and got up

"Come in" the door opened and it was the girl wrapped in a towel, another towel on her hair and a glare plastered on her beautiful face

She folded her arms, pushing up her breast. They weren't that big but they weren't little either

Water droplets dripped from her neck and down her collarbones and disappeared under the towel

I bit my lip and took at my wife. She had her hand balled into a fist. She was starring at her like she was a piece of meat

"Um can I get the clothes?" She asked with a whole bunch of attitude

I gripped the clothes and walked over to her

I held it out and she went to grab it but I snatched it back

I leaned closer to her and whispered, "Keep up with the attitude and I'll have you walk around naked. You wouldn't like that, would you?"

She fearfully shook her head no and gripped the towel tighter

"Exactly so get rid of it before I get rid of it for you princess"

Her adams apple bobbed as she gulped and squeezed her thighs together

I smirked and handed her the clothes, she quickly rushed off


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