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Violet p.o.v

Now don't get me wrong. My family wasn't always messed up like it is now.

We used to get along. Not like this but we were okay before.

I'd say from 5-10years old me and Ali got along but when she got her period at the age 12 she started acting like she was just better than me

Like it was a competition.

I came on soon after her and ever since then she's been trying to compete with me about everything, like she was trying to be better

I didn't entertain it until we hit 16 when she slept with my first ever boyfriend claiming he loved her and not me

We got into a huge fight and I avoided her for 2 months even though we lived in the same house.

During those two months mother and "father" started fighting due to father wanting mother to make us get along again

But being the brat Ali is, she was trying to play like it was all my fault we fell out

Ever since then.. things had been hell between our family

"I'm sorry for the craziness" I heard in my ear, shaking me from my daze

"Oh it's okay. I love to see it" i smiled


Dinner was ready and the table was set.

It smelled good as we all sat down at the table. I sat between Autumn and Blake of course, Mrs. Landington was sitting across from me with Alina at her left and her husband to her right, August sat next to Mr. Landington and Alexander sat next to August

We were having steak, mash potatoes, and shrimp for dinner

Everyone was old enough for wine but Blake refused to let me have some.

I'm not sure why but when her eyes narrowed at me when I went to protest I just shut up

Autumn also didn't get wine.

All during the day since we came here it's been awesome. Alexander was the joker of the house and his girlfriend, Caroline was just like him and she is really sweet. Alina boyfriend was also nice. He had thrown in a few jokes but mostly stayed glued to Alina side like he was scared to let her go, August and his husband stayed together also.

Alexander and Alina were so funny and we got along just fine. Me and August talked but mostly about his time when he was in the military. It was a good conversation.

I rubbed my hands on my skirt before connecting it to Autumn's and August's

I bowed my head and shut my eyes

Mrs. Landington began to pray


"Have you ever heard of the song unstoppable by sia?" Alina asked me as I sat on the couch across from her

She was sitting on her boyfriend's lap while I sat between my two lovers

"Yeah. That song is honestly addictive and the best"

"Have you saw the dance choreograph they made for it?!" She asked, now excited and getting up from her boyfriend's lap, he looked a little disappointed at her sudden movement

I stood up enthusiastically

"Yes! I spent days and nights learning it!" I squealed


"Playing unstoppable by sia" the robotic voice said before the song came on

We held hands and bowed our heads down in the middle of the living room

Our little audience consisted of my two domme's looking at us with amusement, her boyfriend, August and his husband

A second later the last three people entered the living room to watch our performance

[Idk if they actually made a choreography for it or not but I'm sure they did I jus never watched and dont feel like watching so yeah]

We slowly lifted our heads and smiled brightly to each other before starting to dance

Once we were done we were panting and smiling at the loud claps echoing in the room

"That was good!" Alex (as he insisted I call him) exclaimed

"I know" Alina blew a kiss and flicked her hair in his face

He shot the middle finger at her

I went over to Autumn and Blake with a smile on my face

"If we would've known you could move like that we would've..." Blake started but Autumn pushed her shoulder a bit, shutting her up

I blushed, knowing what she was going to imply

"I did good?" I asked shyly

"Better than good" They both kissed my cheek and I grinned widely


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