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Autumn p.o.v

"Hey mama" I said and stab my fork in my salad and then put it in my mouth

"Hey bubbles" mama said with her soft voice and she was happy as usual.

She give me that nickname when I was five because I was in love with bubbles. My whole room was themed bubbles and everything. My favorite show was ironically 'bubble guppies'. Ever since then she just stuck with it

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes. More than okay actually" she chuckled and I heard her shuffling before I heard dad's rough voice. "Hello flower"

"Hi dad. What do I owe the pleasure of having a call from my parents that don't talk to me anymore?"

"You never talk to us" mom said. "I was thinking... I miss all my kids and want to have a nice dinner together. All your other siblings have agreed and is being their partners so bring yours and if you've got a sub, I think that's what you called them, then bring her too!" Mom said cheerfully

I knew she wanted something.

I drink some of my water and threw my empty bowl away.

That salad was good

"Sure. I'll see if we're all free. When's this dinner supposed to be" I asked and started walking up stairs

"Today is Thursday so... How about Sunday?"

"Sounds good. I love you and I'll talk to you later" I opened kitten room door and saw her room empty

I furrowed my eyebrows and shut the door back

"I love you too bubbles. Your papa says he loves you too"

"I love you too papa. See you later" I said and hung up, just as I did I opened my and my baby room door and the sight made my mouth go dry

They were sitting at the edge of the bed, Kitten riding plastic dick with her head thrown back, her hands were covering Blake's hands that was grasping her tits

It was a sight to see to be honest and I started getting wet.

I stood and watched. Free porn if you ask me.

5 minutes went by, neither noticed me but Violet started crying out that she was about to cum and my baby encouraged her to

Kitten held fell back as she came on the shaft and her body quivered once she was done

They shared a cute kiss and I smiled softly

I walked into the room all the way and once hearing my shoes hitting the ground they both looked towards me

Blake smiled while kitten blushed but still gave me a adorable smile

"Had fun?" I asked and walked to the closet so I could shower

I was still sweaty and hot

"Loads of fun" I heard my wife say and hummed

"My mom wants to have dinner Sunday" I grabbed a spaghetti strap shirt and some booty shorts

"Oh? Is princess coming?"

"Only if she wants to. Kitten you don't have to if you feel like it's to early" I said and poked my head out of the closet

"No it's okay. I want to meet them" she said with a smile still on her face

I smiled too before walking out and putting my things on the bed

They were still in the position they were in when I went to the closet

I stared at their naked bodies for a second before going in the bathroom

I'm lucky.

I took off my shorts and skin tight shirt then my black headband

I pulled my hair from it's tight ponytail before putting my hair in a loose messy ponytail

I turned on the warm water before stepping under it

All my aching muscles relaxed and I sighed with a soft smile adoring my face

My parents are going to love her


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