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Blake p.o.v

"Baby let's play a game" I said to Violet when me and my wife entered her room

She put down on her phone and muted the tv, "um okay?"

After our dinner with my wife's family a week ago Alina had been coming over more than she usually would. She and my princess are apparently "besties" now

Although i did get annoyed because me and Autumn weren't able to do anything to princess while Alina was here i am happy now that she decided to stay home today after getting a scolding from Autumn

So me and my baby came up with a game to play with our precious princess...

Autumn sat on the edge of the bed. "Its called Simon says. Ever heard of that?"

Princess nodded her head

"Great so then you know the rules. Me and Blake will be Simon while you listen okay? But instead of Simon say mommy and daddy" I smirked

"Right because who the fuck do Simon think he is to be telling our baby what to do" Autumn protectively said

Princess giggled

"What if I mess up. Do we stop playing?" She asked once calming

"Nope. We decided what will happen to you" Autumn chuckled

"Okay I'm ready to play" she smiled

Me and Autumn glanced at each other then back to her

Autumn chose to go first

"Mommy says... Touch your head"

Princess did so

"Daddy says touch your stomach"

She touched her stomach without letting go of her head

"Good girl for not letting go of your head" I smiled and she blushed adorably

"Hm.. Daddy says put down your hand"

She let go of her stomach and head

One look at Autumn and she had a look of mischief in her eyes.

Go time

"Daddy says... Strip naked" I said

Princess eyes widen and she slowly stood up on her bed. She got naked before sitting on her legs

"Mommy says grab your boobs"

Princess did so. She had a look of confusion on her face before she came to sudden realization

"T-this was never a innocent game w-was it?" She asked

I laughed, "Smart girl"

I pulled the vibrator from behind my back and Autumn reached under the bed and pulled out a belt

"W-when was that there?" Princess bit her lip

"I put it there this morning" Autumn smiled

"Daddy says pinch your pink nipples" I said, going back into the game

Violet closed her eyes and moaned lowly when she pinched her erect nipples

"Harder" I instructed and she pinched them harder, hissing as she did so

Autumn pulled the belt back and hit it against princess thigh

"Ow!" Princess upper body jumped and she open her eyes

I smirked, "Did I say 'daddy says'?"

She slowly shook her head no

"Everytime I mess up I get a pop?" She asked innocently

"Yes and the more you mess up the more it gets harder" Autumn said and tilted her head with a smile

Fear flashed in princess eyes before she looked determined

"Mommy says wet two fingers"

She took one hand away from her breast and stuck her middle and ring finger in her mouth

"Stop" I said but she kept going, not falling for it again

"Good girl" Autumn praised, "Mommy says move them to your beautiful pussy and rub your clit slowly"

Violet followed what Autumn said and gasped when her fingers touch her small pink bud, glistening in her juice

She started rubbing her clit and moaning softly

"Daddy says rub faster"

My baby bit her lip and went faster, shutting her eyes

"Now put them inside your tight hole"

She spread her legs wider and moved her fingers lower to her    entrance

Autumn raised the belt.

But princess surprised us both when she slid her fingers back up and circled her clit again, she was smirking

Sneaky little girl

"You got us there, baby" i chuckled and she looked proud of herself

Autumn laughed and lowered the belt

"Mommy says use this vibrator to rub over yourself "

I turned on the vibrator to the highest setting and handed it to her

She lowered it to her parts and moaned when it came in contact with her wet folds

She trailed it over her lips before setting it on her clit

She gasped loud then moaned

"Daddy says sink it into your pussy" I bit my lip

She trailed it down, her hips unconsciously rotating against the hard vibrator

"Mmm can I lay back please?" She asked, her eyes still closed

"Mommy says lay down"

She laid back and opened her legs wide for us to see everything

Her pink clit was poking from it's hood, her pussy lips drooling and all soaking for us, and her inner thighs were wet

"Did mommy and daddy get you this wet from a game? Naughty little girl" I tsked

She moaned and slowly pushed the vibrator inside herself, her insides swallowed it easily

She let it sit for a moment. The vibrator was still vibrating against her insides

I licked my bottom lip. My panties were soaking like someone dumped a bucket full of water in it

Princess back arched when she started to slowly fuck herself with it

"Daddy says sped up" I ordered

Autumn was staring intensely at princess sex, her breathing getting harder with each pump Violet did

"Oh god, oh fuck!"  Violet shouted and her thighs started trembling


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