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Blake p.o.v
Last night

I walked out of the store beside the night club. I needed some more ace bandage as people in my gang have been getting attacked more than usual lately

I was walking to my car while looking at all the drunk people hanging in front of the night club

It was 12 o'clock so of course a lot of people was coming out to the club at this time

A lot of the people hanging in front of the club was drunk, throwing up or just having a conversation with someone

I shake my head. I didn't necessarily like liquor

I had a bad experience with it considering my father was a drunk and abused me, my mom, and my brother

He abused my mom so bad that one day her tired body just gave out after another beating

He killed her under the influence of alcohol but it was on purpose because he knew how he got when he drank yet he still got drunk everyday

That day, 11 year old me ran away with my 6 year old brother. I ran far away

Me and my brother was hiding in a abandoned building when we were approached by a stranger. He was a buff man with a lot of tattoos

He took me and my brother into his gang. He trained me and let my brother keep his child hood but when my brother turned 14 he gave him a choice.

A choice to join the gang or just be a normal teenager

My brother wanted to be with me because if he choose a normal teenager he'd go into a adoption.

That man became me and my brother father figure and we looked up to him but one day we were ambushed and he got killed

Ever since then I became the leader of the gang and my brother my right hand.

Im only 27 but ive been through so much all because of fucking alcohol

I opened my car door when I suddenly heard a scream before it was silenced

My head snapped the way I heard it come from

A girl in a pink off the shoulder dress was walking sluggishly out of the club, being held by a big man

I knew right then and there something was wrong

I walked closer and saw he was actually dragging her and she was trying to pull away

He pushed her against the car door and started taking out his keys

I grabbed my gun from my back pocket and when I was close enough I pressed it to the back of his head and clocked my gun

His body froze with fear and I looked at the girl. She was beautiful but she was out of it

She could barely stand up and her eyes were near closed

"Your gonna let her go. Get in the car and never come back to this club. If I catch you around here consider yourself dead" I said dangerously calm

He let her go and she nearly fell to the ground but I caught her. He got in the car and his tires screeched as he drove off fast

The blue eyed girl looked at me before passing out

I sighed and looked around for a wallet or purse but didn't spot one on her. Just her phone

I put her phone and my gun in my back pocket then carried her to my car


I unlocked the door to my mansion and opened it

"Front door opened"

The robotic voice spoke loudly, at hearing this my wife quickly came from the downstairs living room

Once she saw the knocked out girl in my arms she helped me carry her over to the couch

"What happened? Who is she?" Autumn checked for pulse and it was beating fine then she grabbed a flashlight from the table and opened her eye. The girl pupils were blown

"I don't know who she is. Some pervert tried to take her home.. obviously he drugged her"

My wife looked angry as she checked over the girl for bruises

Fortunately there was none

"Dirty bastard" she seethed, "Help me take her to the guest bedroom"


We had our personal Doctor look over her

She informed us that the drug given to her would wear off in the morning

With that me and Autumn thanked the doctor.

I looked at the girl for a second before turning to my wife

"Why are people like that?" I sighed

"I wish I knew baby" she pulled me into a hug and kissed my head lightly

She was the only one I'd let see me like this


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