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Violet p.o.v
2 days later

Autumn and Blake left a few minutes ago.

They said they had some errands to run and that I couldn't tag along. I felt disappointed but didn't further question it

I was in my room watching tv when my phone rang on my nightstand by my lamp

I could officially call this room mine. I had my clothes in the dresser so it was mine now

I looked at who was calling me and saw it was Ali, I groaned

What do she want now?

"Hello?" I answered dryly

"Violet I called you like five days ago and yet you didn't call me back. Why?" She demanded

"Because I didn't feel the need to. What's the problem?" I sat up against my head board

"Mom is in the hospital"

"Oh... Is she okay?"

"Yes but she could've died. The doctors said she passed out from some shock to her heart or something"

"Okay if she's fine why did you call me again?" I knew I was being a jerk for not caring about my mother's health but I couldn't help it. She was fine and I was a little worried but she's fine so there no need to be worried anymore

"Because your mom, our mom, could have died-" Ali voice was filled with confusion

"But she didn't" I chewed my nails and looked at the tv


"She could have died but she didn't and I recall saying only call me if someone is dead" I said emotionless. I was being harsh, I know but they deserved it

Most would tell me I'm overreacting like Ali has been telling me but you wouldn't understand unless you've got abandoned by your family for literally something that wasn't that serious

I was still the same person regardless if I liked girls.

"What the fuck, Violet? Oh wow-" she laughed, "You really is that childish, that stuck up that you are willingly to only contact us if your family is dead? Dad put you out.. so.fucking. what?! Get the fuck over it!"

"Get over it? You want me to get over the fact that my family, my blood, put me out of my own home over the fact that I liked the same gender?! It wasn't that serious to kick me out! I like what I like so what? Y'all disowned me but you want me to get over it?" I scoffed, now raising my voice

"You know what violet... Your selfish! Have you ever even considered how your mother felt when you got kicked out?! She cried all night, cried for her daughter that she carried for 9 months and gave birth to-"

I laughed sarcastically, "I'm selfish? I'm the selfish one?! The person who I looked up to, the person who gave birth to me and carried me for 9 months stood and watched! Watched her own child get put out by her husband that's not even really my father" I shook my head, "Pathetic is what she is but you expect me to consider her feelings? What the fuck about mine!"

"IT DIDNT MATTER HOW YOU FELT! She cried for you all night, cried that you got put out. She blamed herself! If only you wasn't a sinner then you wouldn't have gotten put out! Stop being selfish Violet, shes your mother. Be glad she even likes you..." She mumbled the last bit before hanging up

Hot tears streamed down my cheeks

I'm selfish? How was i selfish?!

I got kicked out at my lowest by a worthless excuse of an husband while my mother stood an watched

She looked me into my eyes, she saw i was pleading for her to do something but she did nothing

She stood there as did my "sister"

She let her homophobic husband slam the door shut in my face, her daughter face...

All because of my sexuality?

I got put out for no reason basically!

But I'm selfish for wanting to ignore them?

They're selfish for putting me out because of how they felt

What about how I felt...

[Ngl listening to that song above and reading this lowkey made me abt to cry 😭... A few tears dropped y'all 😭😭]


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