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Violet p.o.v

The blonde hummed, "My name is Blake and my wife name is Autumn. While I was at the store next to the club getting something I saw you getting dragged and you were sluggish in your movements. I threatened the guy and put you into my car and brought you to our home so here you are" she explained

By the time she was done I was finished with my food and took the pills and drink apple juice to wash it down

I started to feel my headache slowly fade away

"Oh wow... thank you for saving me. Why not take me to my own house though? My things were in my purse"

"I didn't see a purse" the blonde known as Blake said while looking confused

Fuck my purse is gone?! I just hope no one stole it. I had my last bit of money in there

Probably noticing me about to panic the redhead spoke up, "We can go back to see if its still around the area but my wife did pick up your phone"

She handed it to me and i snatched it quickly. I had 30 miss calls from Macy and 15 messages

Where r u?

Pick up the phone!

R u okay?

Did u leave with someone?

Violet! Answer the fucking phone or I'm calling the cops!

R u ok? Answer please!

Violet answer the phone, where the hell r u

If u left with someone just text me a random letter so I know ur ok

Violet? C'mon pick up the damn phone!

I'm panicking so please call before I have a heart attack

C'mon Violet I'm sorry, I should've stayed with u so if this is a joke to get back at me for not staying with u stop playing!

Then the rest of the messages were just telling me to answer

Wow she was really concerned

I called and on the first ring the phone was picked up

"Oh my god Violet please tell me your okay!" She rushed out

"I'm fine. I'll tell you all about it when I get home but right now I'm hanging with some..." I looked at the two females as they just stared at me, waiting for me to say something "f-friends?"

Macy gasped, "Bitch you fucking had me worrying all night about your ass. I was pacing, barely got any sleep, chewing off my god damn nails and you mean to tell me you are hanging with some friends?! What the fuck Violet!"

"Hey don't you yell at me. You wouldn't have been worrying if you didn't leave me in the first fucking place!" I shouted

Macy sighed, "Your right, your right. Sorry for yelling I was just so scared that something happened to you. Promise to tell me all about what happened?"

"Promise." I calmed down and we said bye and she hung up

I sat my phone down beside me and looked up to see they were staring at me

"What the fuck are y'all looking at?" I asked annoyed. It was annoying as they kept looking at me

The redhead bit her lip, looking like she was straining herself from doing something

Blake glared at me and I shrunk back a little

"What did you just say?" Blake asked... Well more like growled. There was a dangerous glint in her eyes, daring me to repeat myself

"W-what t-the-" I stuttered, all the confidence I had before vanishing as they both stared at me with narrowed eyes

Why was I suddenly shy? Usually if anyone asked me what I said I'd repeat it in a heart beat but now I was stuttering?

"Hm I wouldn't repeat that if I were you" Autumn said and licked her bottom lip

I decided to shut my mouth

Blake chuckled, "That's what I thought"

I blushed with embarrassment

"Have a shower. My wife will bring some clothes in here for you then we'll go haunt for your purse" Blake said and got up off Autumn's lap

They both left the room and i slumped against the bed

What the literal fuck? Why did I just go all shy? What are they doing to me?


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