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Violet p.o.v

Finally she stopped taunting me and turned around so we could continue down the hallway

God I was so embarrassed. My face was red and I walked with my head down all the way to her room

She just acted like nothing happened

When we got to their room she went in the closet. It looked just like the guest bedroom but it was black walls

I wondered what they did for a living to be able to buy a mansion like this

She came out the closet holding to packets of panties

"I don't know which one you wear. Here is some g- strings and this here is some cheeky lace panties" she held them out.

I wore g-strings but I kind of felt like it was going to be embarrassing with them knowing that so I grabbed the cheekys

She just looked at me emotionless and went back to the closet to put up her g-strings

I went to her bathroom and put on the blue pair of lace cheekys. When I came out she was sitting on her bed, on her phone

"Here you go" i said and tried to hand them back but she didnt accept it

"I have many more. Keep those" she put her phone in her back pocket and walked away

I shrugged and followed after her but made a quick stop to put them in the guest room then continued following her downstairs

We made it back to the living room and I sat on the one seated couch across from them

"So now that you're all changed do you want to go now to find your purse or wait?" Blake asked while staring hard at me

It made me squirm

"We can go now... The sooner we look we might be able to find it"

She nod, "alright let's go then"

I followed her and Autumn to what I assume was the garage

They had about 6 really rich cars. Two haven't even came out yet

I was in amazement at all the cute cars.

She opened the car door to a black Audi RS7

I was in shock at how cleaned it looked

I got into the car once the door was unlocked. It smelled fresh and new in the car.

They both sat in the front seat while I sat in the back like a little child

I pouted, "Why couldn't I sit in the front. I'm guest!"

They looked at me before looking at each other

"Your pouting but you want to sit in the front?" Blake asked sarcastically

I blushed as I realized she was looking at me like I was childish. I stopped pouting and looked out the window


We looked around the front of the club for my wallet but didn't find it.

Today the club was closed and the cleaner was being stubborn and wouldn't let us in

She was being a bitch.

The girl who was working had a attitude, saying that we needed to leave so Autumn surprised me when she pulled out $100 bucks but the annoying girl still denied so she pulled out another 100

She'd really pay $200 just so I could see if my wallet was inside? What if it wasn't, that'd be a waste of money

"Um you don't need to do that. I'll just look for it once the club is open again" I told her quietly

She looked down at me for a second before giving the girl the money anyway

The annoying bitch finally opened the doors and let us in

"Thank you"

"No problem, kitten" at the nickname my knees felt like they were about to give out underneath me

What was with the nicknames? First Princess now Kitten

If they are trying to give me a orgasm they just need to say that.

Im such a sucker for nicknames

"If we wanted to give you a orgasm we'll do more than just say nicknames" I heard Autumn whisper in my ear

I squealed and jumped before turning deep red

Oh gosh I said that out loud?!

Kill me right fucking now. Right now.

Blake laughed for the first time since I met them and Autumn smirked

I'm so embarrassed.


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