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Violet p.o.v

All the air was knocked out my lungs at the first impact

The paddle felt like leather and I'm not sure if that's what made it hurt worse or not but God damn was I ready to yell the safe word and it was only one hit

"One. Thank you, Daddy" I breath out

Another slap came down to my ass cheek and my back arched, a moan slipped between my lips before I had time to stop it

"Oh someone's enjoying this" Autumn said with amusement

I glanced at her and she was smiling widely 

"Two. Thank you, mistress"


"Three. Thank you, miss"

"Color?" She muttured

"Uh g-green?" I said a little unsure

By the 6th hit tears were streaming from my eyes and I was sobbing

It hurt so bad

I was seriously regretting teasing her

"Aww baby it's okay" mommy said but it didn't ease the pain on my ass

Blake was quiet 




My body racked with sobs and I was trembling but I could feel the wetness grow between my thighs

"Seven, eight, nine. Thank you mistress!" I cried

"Baby tell me your color"

"Y-ye-yellow!" I bit my lip harshly

She paused and I let out a breath

How did this possibly turn me on?

I was soaking. I could feel the wetness on my inner thigh and my vagina was throbbing with need to be touched

"Green" I mumbled hesitantly once I caught my breath

"One more to go" daddy mumbled. Her voice was hard and full of lust

For five seconds I didn't hear anything but then I heard the sound of the paddle coming down in the air quickly

It landed against my ass hard. Harder then all the other hits

I screamed and my body jumped

That one hurt so much

"Ouch d-daddy! Pleas no more!" I sobbed and tried to cover my ass with my tied hands the best I could

My ass felt on fire and it was literally aching

"Count and thank me or we'll start over" I heard Daddy say and felt the paddle circle my ass

"TEN! T-thank y-you miss!" I shouted quickly

"Good girl. You took that well and when good girls do good they deserve a reward" daddy whispered lustfully

Her hand rubbed my ass softly before traveling down and dipping between my legs

Her two fingers rubbed my clit softly

"Oh!" I moaned and tried to push my ass against her hand to feel more

She chuckled

She started to add more pressure and my mind went frizzy. All I could think about was the pleasure I was feeling, the throbbing in my ass only adding to it

"Mmm holy shi-" I gasped when she pushed a finger in my pussy then another

She started fingering me fast and i was already panting

Drool fell out my mouth and fell onto the carpet

"Drooling like a dumb puppy for daddy hm? You making a mess on mommy and daddy carpet" Blake teased

[The cringe I jus felt once re-reading that 😐 but since I had to feel the pain of cringyness so do u guys]

My eyes rolled to the back of my head when she went faster

"Nngh fuck fuck fuck!" I screamed

"Touch yourself for me Autumn. I see you really want to.." I heard Daddy whisper and heard mommy groan

"Can I cum? Please daddy, oh please I'm so close!" I begged and the knot grew tighter in my stomach the more I tried to hold on

I squirmed on daddy's lap and my head fell forward as pants tumbled from my lips

I let out a guttural moan when I felt her pull her fingers out and pinched my clit before pushing them back in

I grunted and rocked my hips against her hand

I felt the back of my hair getting gripped and she yanked my head back

She whispered in my ear, "you want to cum for daddy? You want to cum all over my fingers like the filthy whore you are? Be a good girl and cum for me"

My face heated up, my thighs trembled, and my stomach contracted as I came on daddy's finger

As I was moaning I heard other moans joining in with me

When I finished I whimpered and daddy pulled her fingers out and sat me up

I hissed at feeling my sore butt press against her thighs

"I guess I didn't even need that vibrator" she joked and laughed

I blushed.

I was never going to tease her like that again

"My butt hurts" i pouted

"I know baby and I'll take care of it but for now we have to go" Blake said and rubbed my thigh, "Do you know why daddy had to punish you though?"

I nodded, "I was being bad girl, wore inappropriate clothe and say bad things..."

"Yes and you won't do it again right?" She raised a brow

"I won't do it again, daddy" I smiled and pulled her in for a hug by her neck

She hesitated for a second but hugged me back, squeezing me into her for a second.

When I pulled away I looked at mommy, forgetting she was in the room

Her head was leaning against the back of the chair she was sitting in. Her fingers were still wet and her legs were still wide open

Awe I missed mommy cumming!

Autumn pulled her head up and looked at me through dark eyes

She bit her lip and sighed, "we have to g-go"

I felt daddy nod and I got up from her lap but I realized my hands were still tied

Blake noticed this too and untied them for me


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