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Violet pov 

"Girl your birthday is tomorrow!" Macy shouted so loud that i had to pull the phone back 

Once she sounded calm enough I pressed the iphone back to my ear 

"Yes and?" I didnt have very good experiences on my birthdays. Something bad always happened so i always decided to sit it out but somehow this bitch always drags me somewhere 

"Violet what?! You know I love your birthday!" she squealed 

"I'm not sure why you love my birthday. You have your own. 3 days after mine actually" I rolled my eyes and ate some of my noodles

I was back at my own home in the kitchen eating. I had to come back because I spent to much time at my lovers place

They were very reluctant to let me go and it took quite some time to be able to leave the house 

"ugh we are not going over this again. So what are we doing for your birthday?"

"Going to work"

"What? I dont think I heard you.. it almost sound as if you said we are going to work on your birthday" she feigned confusion 

I giggled, "Oh no you heard right. I'm not celebrating. We go over this ever time" i groaned and stood up

"We are doing something. What would your domme's think if they knew you were working on your birthday" she threatened 

I snickered, "You dont even have their number"

"Violetttt" she whined and I just knew she was pouting. "Please"

"No. Work." I said before hanging up 

She always does this on my birthday 

As I started to wash my dish my doorbell rang 

Who the hell? It better not be Macy

I dropped the bowl in the sink and walked to my door. I harshly opened it 

"Macy I am not celebrating- Blake and Autumn?" I asked in confusion 

They stood there with a raised eyebrow and sheepish looks in their eyes 

I just left them not even 3 hours ago?
"We missed you, kitten" Autumn said and pulled me into a hug 

"Well she did" Blake joked 

"I-" before i could even invite them in they were already walking inside, looking around curiously 

"Nice house" Blake complimented and I shut the door while saying thanks. "So what are you not celebrating?"

"Nothing" I mumbled 

"You are celebrating something. What is it?" Autumn asked 

"Fine. I'm not celebrating my birthday but Macy wants me to. Happy?" I stomped over to the couch and flopped down 

Autumn and Blake got quiet. I looked over and saw they were starring at me 

"What?" I asked 

"Where is all this attitude coming from?" Blake was the first to break 

I sighed, "I just dont want to do anything for it and i'm going to work, you guys can't stop me from not going"

They didnt say anything for a few seconds before they shrugged 

"Okay" Blake said in a nonchalant voice 

"Okay?" i repeated confused 

"Yeah. Blake doesnt like celebrating her birthday either so it'll be pretty hypocritic of us to force you to celebrate your birthday, something you clearly dont want to do" Autumn explained, sliding on to the empty cushion 

I glanced at Blake and she nod in confirmation 

"Oh..." i trailed 


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