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Autumn p.o.v

We looked around for Kitten's wallet/purse

I didn't know her name so I just had to come up a nickname.

The way she was all shy when I teased her on the stairs then she followed after me like a lost kitten

"Thank you" I heard her whisper a little shyly when I gave the girl my 200 dollars

"No problem, kitten" i responded without looking at her and around the club

This place is filled with red cups on the ground, some lost cheap jewelry, panties, and etc.

"If they are trying to give me a orgasm they just need to say that" I heard her mutter

I slowly started to smirk and looked at Blake who was also smirking

I'm pretty sure she was referring to the nicknames. Some here loves pet names

"If we wanted to give you a orgasm we'll do more than just say nicknames" I whispered in her ear when she wasn't paying attention

She squealed and blushed

My wife laughed and I only smirked

I could tell she was very embarrassed that she said that out loud without realizing it

She rushed to start looking for her wallet while me and my wife walked around picking up any wallet we saw and asking if it was hers

"Oh my fucking god! I can't fucking find it fuck!" Kitten shouted, surprising me with all her inappropriate language

A sub shouldn't speak such language

"Kitten calm down" I warned

"No you calm the fuck down! I can't find my shit and I have money in it" she stressed and grabbed her head

I looked at my wife because if she didn't say something I'm going to do something

"Princess" she gave a warning tone "Be calm and stop the swearing"

"I'm not a little girl! I'll cuss if I want. Fuck fuck fuck shit shit shit bitch bitch bitch" she replied childishly

I stormed over to her before my wife could stop me and gripped her jaw in a firm grip

"Kitten dont test me" I glared but she didn't back down

"Yeah and what are you going to do about it?" She mocked, glaring back at me

Feeling all my self control leave I turned her around and bent her over on the counter





I landed four swift slaps against her ass hard

I knew it hurt because my hand was stinging after. She cried out with each hit to her bottom

Once I was done her knuckles were white from gripping the counter and she was panting softly

I let her up and turned to my wife with eyes wide. She was looking at me the same too

I did not mean to lose my cool like that.

Violet slowly sat up and turned to look at us, her hands went behind her back to sooth the aching on her bottom

Tears were on her cheeks as she pouted at us

Did she actually go into her hidden sub space from spanking?

I tested it to see if she did

"Kitten... Do you understand why I had to punish you?" I asked softly

She nod slowly, "I- I'm sorry for g-giving you a-attitude"

I looked to Blake and she was slightly smiling

"And it won't happen again... Right?" Blake asked

Kitten shook her head no

"Words princess.."

"N-no" she came closer to me and pulled me into a hug with her head resting on her stomach

Surprised at first I just stood there before patting her head and hugging her back


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