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Blake p.o.v

I walked into my warehouse, my face void of any emotion but I was irritated as fuck

My gang let our shipments get stole.

I had just got done giving my wife the orgasm of the day and then I get a call when I should be cuddling

Any members in the way moved at the look on my face and the aura I was emitting

I walked into my office seeing my brother and the head of the shipments standing there, nervously

I glared at them and sat in my seat


"I'm sorry boss. One of those idiots forgot to shut one of the cargos and some person stole the guns from it. They only left 2" he rushed out

I stood up and slammed my hand against my desk, they both jumped

"What the fuck! That "idiot" was under your watch! Those guns were new and just made! I gave clearly instructions to specifically have them sent to me immediately" I shouted at him before calmly sitting down after letting out a breath, "Now explain to me why I shouldn't bust a cap in your head"

He was practically shaking in his shoes, sweat dripping down his forehead, and nervousness oozed off of him

"Because it wasn't his fault!" My brother stepped up and the twat looked at him gratefully

I shifted my attention to my brother and glared at him, "explain."

"Well even though he was being a dumbass for not checking over the cargos the person who stole from you, the ruthless killer, the leader of the best-" he was going to keep praising me, trying to get on my good side but I interrupted him

"Nathan get to the point now"

He chuckled, "Sorry I was getting ahead of myself there. The person who stole from you should pay because they were obviously dumb enough to steal from the best"

I sat back and thought about it, lightly tapping my gun against my thigh

My brother and Garfield was nervous as to what I'd do or say

I hummed, "Fair enough. Find out whoever did it and don't report to me unless you have a name, where they stay and who they work for. You can leave"

Garfield quickly left but my brother stayed and watched as I put my gun back in my draw

"So what were you and that hot, sexy, beautiful wi-" I pulled my gun back out and pointed it at him, "woah woah there I was just joking" he held up his hands in mock surrender

I glared before putting it up and shutting the draw, locking it with my key

"So sister... Tell me about what you've been up to" he sat on my desk

"Nathan get-" he got up and rushed out the door, slamming it shut behind him

I sighed and took out some paperwork that needed to be done


Violet p.o.v

I sat in my office space. 3 days has went by since I met Autumn and Blake and I was missing them dearly... For some reason

I worked at a boring office desk. I just signed paperwork and answered calls

My boss was a annoying perverted man that messed with all the girls

He tried to get me to give him a b.j by threatening me to take away my job but I had recorded the whole thing and threatened to get him fired

So now he didn't mess with me anymore

Macy rolled into my office box space. "Guess who's outside for you" she wiggled her eyebrows

"If it's my step brother trying to get me to fuck him again tell him to go away" I joked

Macy gasped, "Again?"

"Yes we did it once and he won't leave me be!"

She gasped even more loudly, "Tell me the tea babe" she picked up my empty mug and sipped loudly

We both fell into a fit of giggles but some of our co workers shushed us making us giggle even more

"But seriously it was someone who said "I'm here for Princess" and when I asked who that was they corrected themselves to your name. So tell me who you got calling you princess?"

My eyes widen. Blake was at my job? How did she even know where I worked?

I jumped up out of my office chair

"Tell you later!" And I ran out of the office full of little desk box


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