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Violet p.o.v

I got so lost in the kiss, the feeling of her lips, that I didn't even notice she was pushing me back until I felt Blake breast pushed against my back

Autumn grabbed my throat and pushed down her thumb and two fingers against the sides of my neck, it had my head swimming with lust

"I told you she'll want you too" Blake whispered in my ear

Autumn kissed down my cheek til she got to my jaw where she sucked on

I gulped, I felt so hot and dirty. Two people dominating me at once? God damn was it a dream come true

Blake hands started playing with my boobs again while Autumn's free hand trailed down my stomach and to my skirt waist band

She pushed her hand in my skirt then in my panties. Her fingers started to make rough fast circles against my clit

I choked on continuous gasp

"F-f-f- fuck!" I knew my whole face was red and I had my eyes squeezed shut tightly

My hips stuttered against her hands and my knees buckled but Blake caught me before I could fall

"Ease up babe" i heard her whisper

Autumn's fingers slowed and she looked at me and Blake sheepishly, "I just wanted to hear her moan loud for me"

I took in a deep breath and whined at the slow pace she was setting on my clit

"Faster-" she silenced my whine with a kiss and swirled her finger on my clit once more before traveling it down to entrance, she slowly circled it

"Stop teasing and- and just- shit" I shrieked when she pushed three fingers in all at once

My insides clinched around her long fingers

She was giving me far more then what I could usually take. One or two fingers was enough to make me cum hard but three?

"Never had three before?" She asked, probably noticing the unsure look on my face

I shook my head no when I felt her slowly start to ease her fingers out but when just her finger tips were the only thing in I grabbed her wrist and slammed her fingers back in my dripping cunt

My head fell forward and I let out a cry of pleasure.

Autumn was yet to start fingering me herself so I did, moving her wrist forward and backwards at a slow pace

I moaned softly and bit my lip

Taken by complete surprise Autumn started fingering me hard and rough, just like she did when she rubbed my clit

Besides my moaning and the sound of my wetness nothing else could be heard in the room

Blake stopped playing with erect nipples and I looked to see why just to find Autumn and Blake leaned over my head having a full blown make up sesh

I moaned loudly at the site and started humping Autumn's hand

"You almost there, Kitten?" She asked once breaking away from their kiss

I nod my head eagerly

I felt another hand on my stomach and looked down, it was Blake's, I could tell by the black nail polish

Autumn's nail polish was dark red

She stuffed her hand in my skirt and panties just like Autumn did before

She started rubbing my clit slowly at first but gradually picking up the past

I stifled a scream by harshly biting on Autumn shoulder

"Cum for me princess, cum for us" Blake whispered in my ear and circled my clit faster

Pleasure shot in my veins like drugs and I was on cloud nine

White stars covered my vision, everything faded into muffled background noises and I couldn't comprehend anything else except the feeling of three fingers sliding in and out of my love tunnel and two fingers circling my clit

My eyes rolled to the back of my head, my thighs trembled and hot liquid shot out of my pussy,  against their hand and on the floor

To in the moment to be surprised my hips bucked against there hands until I came down from my high

I let out a breath and looked down. Both hands were soaked, my panties & skirt, and there was a medium size puddle on the floor between my legs

My face flushed red immediately as I was embarrassed

Why did I squirt on the first round?!

Usually it takes about 3-4 rounds before I squirt

"Oh my god" I covered my face

I heard Blake chuckled from behind me, "No need to be ashamed"

Autumn started kissing my hands.

"That was awesome. You were in such a state of bliss you didn't even seem to care you made a big mess on the floor"

It got quiet and then we heard something fall against the marble floor

We all looked that way and it was maid, jaw dropped and broom on the floor

Poor woman

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