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Blake p.o.v

"First we'll go over the rules. You have regular rules and sexual rules. Regular punishments and sexual punishments. We'll go over regular first" I said and leaned back in my chair

She gave her undivided attention, ready to listen and mentally take notes

I chuckled at her eager look before going serious

"1. Always do what we say- no buts, ands, or whines
2. Don't give attitude or be a brat
I know that'll be a challenge for you
3. You are not to date/talk to anyone outside of us
4. When receiving punishments you will address us by our title
5. When it's time for punishments you will do as said without complaint
6. Never lie to us and we will able to tell if you do.
You've been so good with not lying lately, keep that up
7. When out in public you'll stay by our side at all times
8. After any punishment you'll thank us and explain why you got it
9. No swearing to much
10. Take regular showers or baths
11. You'll treat us and yourself with respect"

"Those are it but more will be added if I feel something needs to be a rule. I'll write all the rules and punishments I'm giving you down and hang them up in the room you first slept in for the days that you stay over and need to be reminded. Is there anything that disturbs you?" I asked before I would continue to the sexual rules

She shook her head no wordlessly

I nod and started the sexual rules

"1. No masterbating without either of us around

I got cut off before I could continue number 2

Princess whined, "why can't I touch myself? What if we're all apart and I'm super horny, so horny that I can't even sit down without moaning. What will I do then?"

I glared at her for interrupting but still answered the question. "You can call or text and we can do over the phone sex. You have our numbers"

"What if I don't want to?" She said stubbornly

"Punishment when we find out then" Autumn said and squeezed her thigh, princess whimpered and her stubbornness fell until she was back quiet

"2. No touching yourself without permission
3. Don't cum without permission
4. Wear your marks with happiness.
Don't try to cover them up
5. You need to be available for sex at all times (morning, night, work, home, etc)
6. Use the safe word if you need to.
We wont get mad"

"Anything that you don't like? Makes you feel uncomfortable or something?" I asked softly

She shook her head no

"Now the punishments for regular rules, at the end give a safe word if any punishment done on you will be to hurtful that we need to stop" my wife said

"1. Verbal warning
2. Spanking
3. Time out
4. Apologizing
5. Have to crawl (in front of people)
6. Need permission to do anything
7. Writing lines
8. No sexual intimacy for a week or less (depending on what you do)"

"That's all? Psh that's baby punishments" she chuckled

Autumn looked at her surprised, "Oh? Do we need to up our game then? Whip you or cut you or let our friends touch you while we-"

"NO!" she yelled before quieting down, "I mean no the punishments aren't- aren't b-babyish" she said nervously

Me and Autumn laughed

"Okay okay. The sexual punishments now" I said after my laughter stopped

Princess didn't think it was funny at all

"1. Overstimulation
2. Edging
4. Orgasm denial
5. No panties
6. Wrist tied
7. Spanking"

When I was done princess didn't look more unsure like we thought she would, she looked eager to sign the paper

"Did you understand these rules baby?" I asked and slowly slid the paper over

"Yep and I want to sign it" she said and grabbed the pen again

She took the paper and signed it. The deal was sealed

She was officially our sub.

"Safe word?" Autumn asked. Princess looked thoughtful for a second. "make it a word easy to remember"

"Hmm... pumpkin!"

"pumpkin it is" Autumn kissed her and I leaned over to peck her lips also

"Good. Now you aren't quite moving in but you'll be spending a lot of your time here so you'll need to bring some clothes. You'll stay in the room you first stayed it"

"But its to far from you guys room. What if I get spooked or something?" She whined

"Okay then we'll move it to the door two doors down from ours" Autumn kissed her cheek

I could see Autumn was going to spoil her a lot. She did that with our past two subs

She loved to spoil her subs but if they got to bratty she would not hesitate to punish them

But then spoil them again after.

She was kind of a soft Dom. I had my soft moments but for the most part im a hard Dom.

"Why not closer?" Violet asked and batted her eyelashes

"Because the walls are thin baby" I intervened


"So no" i deadpanned

She whined, "but I want to be closer"

"Princess we just went over rules & punishments, don't break one already"

She quickly shut up and dropped her head on Autumn shoulder like a baby

Autumn cooed.


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