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You'll see four friends sitting together calling them The Marauders.

The founder of the Marauders is James Potter, you can see him always looking at his crush Lily Evans, you can also see Sirius Black he is called the Playboy at Hogwarts because of his good looks, but his heart is only in one woman which is in the Slytherin Table. Remus Lupin is sitting at the Gryffindor Table while reading the Book called Little Women, he is the Wise of the Marauders, and polite to the people, next to him is Peter Pettigrew, he is the one that Proffesor Minerva McGonagall always catches when they are always pranking, and always he also eats.

"Padfoot" James calls his friend Sirius.

"What?" Said Sirius.

"Come with me to Lilyflower, she might think I don't love her anymore!" James worried.

"You know prongs, you asked Lily earlier if she wanted you to date." Remus replied while reading.

"Yeah, Prongs. How many times have you asked Evans?" Sirius asked.

"Six times already, you know he hasn't answered you for six years." Peter's sassed.

"Maybe I've stopped?" James asked sadly, and his friends couldn't believe what he said.

"Are you sure, prongs?" Remus asked.

James sighs sadly. "Yeah."

In the other seat you will see James' twin sister Jamila Potter, she is also a prankster but kind, her friends are Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, Alice Fortescue, Mary McDonald, and Dorcas Meadowes.

"You know Lily, give James a chance, when summer he always bothered me. If you mention him in the letter you sent me. He said he would mature for you." Jamila said to her friend Lily, and the four girls nodded and looked at James who looked sad.

"We know you like James." Marlene said

"yes, We see you smiling secretly when James calls you." Mary followed.

At the other table, you will see a group of friends called the Slytherin gang. The Lestrange Siblings are Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, and Rebecca Lestrange. Next to them are Bellatrix Black, Andromeda Black, and Narcissa Black.Next to Narcissa is her fiancé Lucius Malfoy. Barty Crouch Jr. is eating while listening to the stories of his friends Evan Rosier and Severus Snape. The Black and Lestrange Siblings are talking where is Regulus Black? four months since it was missing.

The door opened they saw Euphemia Potter, Fleamont Potter, Orion Black, Walburga Black, Alastor Moody, and The Ministry of Magic.

"Mum! Dad!" Jammila and James called, and Sirius followed them.

"Oh dear, what's happening? What did the three of you do?" Euphemia asked.

"Nothing!" The three teenager said with offended tone.

"Dumbles will explain." James said.

Dear, Students Year 1978.

All the students be aware because the students of year 1991 will be here in any minutes. Please go to Room of Requirements. Thank you.

- The Head of Hogwarts


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