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When the two March sisters arrived at the door of their aunt's mansion, they knocked. A servant opened the door and the two girls hung up their coats, gloves, and scarves. Amara flattered out her dress, and retouched her hair, wanting to look representable for her aunt.

Harry raised his eyebrows, Amara doesn't do that as he remembered.

"Your house is beautiful, Marjorie" Druella compliment followed by Walburga and Euphemia, Minerva smiled at her former friends.

Aunt March then came to greet her nieces and send Jo to the library, and Amara goes to the drawing room to practice her paintings and singing. A servant entered said that her Aunt March ordered Amara to walk with her to the longue area. They say down, Amara trying to make sure she did everything right, as her aunt taught her.

Other women in the great hall nodded at her actions.

"I believe, that you and Amy are my only hope now. Josephine is never going to marry." Aunt March said.

"Oh god not the name! I prefer Jo, Aunt March" grumbled Jo.

"Now, child go and practice your piano, remember to play 'Rondo Alla Turca.'" Aunt March ordered.

"Yes, Aunt March." Amara nodded and went to drawing room where she can see the piano, she sighed in tiredly, she get the paper with chords and begin to play.

The pureblood families love to hear any kinds of instruments, so they have a respect to Amara, and the Half-blood and Muggleborn is kinda shock because they know it's hard to play any kind of Mozart, Lily and James is very proud to there daughter, even though Amara didn't remember Harry or her parents.

Amara also play 'Für Elise' that she will play in one of the theater that she audition.

Harry and the others couldn't believe what they hear and saw, 'Amara knows how to play piano? I since when?' and then they remember that Amara, Hermione and Regulus throw to the past, but one of the students in Hogwarts is jealous of Amara.

When she was done, Amara heard her aunt scream, so she hide in the wall to hear there conversation.

"That's why" Jo nodded, ang laugh silently. Amara is embarrassed to her action.

"JOSEPHINE!" Aunt March scream, and Jo sat down infront of her Aunt. "Is there a reason for why you stopped reading Belgium?"

"I'm sorry, I'll continue." Jo said.

"Oh no dear, your Aunt will not be pleased." Dorea said, and Jo look at her shocked but she asked how did she know "Me and your Aunt are friends when she's attending boarding school here in Hogwarts, I know her so well."

What Jo said, didn't please her Aunt March. "You mind yourself, dearie, one day you'll need me and you'll with you had behaved better."

All her friends shook their heads, she doesn't changed at all but still happy that they reunited.

Thank you, Aunt March for your employment and your kindness, but I intend to make my own way in the world." Jo stated, Amara nodded at her words and still standing behind the wall.

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