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The March sisters were currently all in the attic, dressed up in suits, hats, spectacled and pipes. Amara was hanging upside down next to Amy and Beth. She was wearing a pair of spectacles and had a pipe dangling from her mouth. Her hat lay somewhere, her shoulder long hair was braided a simple french braid.

"You will play?" Bethy asks eagerly, and Amara who beside at her with Caelum laugh at her softly and nodded.

"A new play written by Miss Jo March will appear at Bernville theatre in the course of the next few weeks, which will surpass anything before on the American stage." Meg reads from homemade newspaper with a sonorous voice.

Ron, Harry and other friends of Hermione Granger/Meg March snorted at her voice, and Meg hides behind on her husband, John.

"Starring the greatest actress from here to the Mississippi River, Miss Meg March!" Jo adds.

"Try "Mississippi River" in five times." George challenge Fred who do immediately.

"WEEKLY REPORT! Meg- Good. Jo- Bad. Beth- Very good. Amy and Amara- Middling." Meg screams, shouting out the report."

"Bloody hell." Ron says and put his hand on his chest tried to calm his heart to Hermione's scream.

"Well done, sirs!" Amy says in her manly voice while Amara and Beth clash there pipes against each other's.

"Hey! Maybe we should do this too!" James and Jamila said in sync the friends of the twins tried to calm their down, thinking they always do that, and Harry amused at the scene.

"Oh okay, I remember this scene!" Remus said smugly and Lily shook her head because they remember too.

Jo walks onto the stage,"Mr. President and gentlemen, I wish to propose the admission of a new member. One who highly deserves the honour, would be grateful, and would add immensely to the spirit of the club. One who is annoying but great. I propose Mr. Theodore Laurence!" this causes Amara to wide her eyes and fell onto the floor.


"Absolutely not!"


"He's a real boy!" Amy and Amara shouted.

"So I'm the last one who actually recruit on your 'club'? Louis says playfully accusingly.

The March sisters bar Meg, nodded shyly, and Louis sighed dramatically.

"We don't want any boys. This is a club for ladies." Meg interjects.

"I think we should do it, even if we are afraid. I say yes, it's Laurie." Beth tells them, trying to convince them, Amara dramatically put her hands on her chest and look betrayed, Jo pointed at Beth agreeing and spoke.

"Exactly! It's Laurie. Everyone, listen to Beth!" Jo says. "Now then, everybody votes, and remember that it's our Laurie, say Aye!"

"And now it's my Laurie." Amara says smugly and Laurie pecked her lips laughing softly, and Amara look at Caelum who look at them, and Amara now talking to him in her baby voice "my beautiful baby!" and tickling Caelum who is laughing happiness, Harry smiles at them, and Amara look at him and smiled "do you want to carry him, sir? I notice you, you always look at Caelum." Amara asked, and Harry seems surprised at her and nodded shyly.

"Can I?" Harry asked nervous but in his inside he's excited to meet his nephew, and Amara nodded and went to him and seat beside him, as Laurie watched them he thinks they look like a twin, and then look at James Potter, Amara replica of James so the way he's thinking why the three look-a-like, then now he's confused.

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