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From the earlier years, Meg had learned to never wake her roommate up, unless it was an emergency. 3 Christmas' ago. Meg had insisted on making the girl help them with the tree, but when she went up, she returned in an instant, her hair looking messy from the pillow Amara had aggressively hit her with.

Meg remember that memories, so she note that she will not interrupt Amara's sleeping.

Harry remember when they both sleeping in the common room, he tried to wake her up but he immediately went to the Chandelier and Amara didn't acknowledged him.

"Jo! Jo! Where are you?" Meg tried to block the distant voices of her sisters downstairs, being loud as usual.

"Do you like these garlands?"

"They're beautiful!"

Amara groaned, covering her ears with pillow, she's so tired because she work at one of shop that always have a lot costumers and practicing her voice in Aunt March and helping Marmee for their foods.

She could hear the floor cracking from the attic, meaning that Jo was awake, which meant that she would also have to get up anytime soon, but she didn't know what would happen next.

"Never interrupt Amars's sleeping, except to Beth and Amy she's soft to them." Jo said nodding at her words.

"Yeah I remember she pushed me in the bed when I wake her up." Laurie said playfully traumatized.

"Merry Christmas!" Jo swung the door to Meg and Amara's open, rushing to Amars's bed as she jumped on her, and Amara pushed her in the bed hard.

"If one of you woke up me again, i will throw you in the window." Amara grumble at her pillow and returned to her sleep.

"It's Christmas Flo! The worlds waiting for you."

Amara grabbed her pillow and throw to Jo who is singing a Christmas song. Amara got up, and leaning to her sisters shoulder "can you carry me, Jo?" Amara says with puppy eyes and pouting.

"Aw you're so cute!!" Astoria said cooeing her in the screen, and Amara flips her hair and said "i know right!"

Jo laughed at her and carry her, they went downstairs and they saw Amy, Beth, and Meg.

"Merry Christmas!" Jo shouted, and Amara just smiled at them, still very tired.

"Jo! Ara! We've been up for hours!" Meg smiled at the two girls, while Amara went to her and hugged her in the back and closed her eyes.

"They always do that, right Harry." Neville said smiled at the scene and Harry nodded.

"What have you been writing?" Beth pointef at the papers in Jo's uand, and Amara already knows what is in the paper.

"I got carried away with our delicious revenge play last night. Poison!" She grabbed Amara's arm and they dance like slow dance, and they just laughed.

"No, no poison, it's Christmas!" Amy says. Jo and Amara flopped onto the couch and Amara rested her head in Jo's shoulder.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's so dreadful to be-" Meg stooped for a second, took in a breath, and continued "poor."

"No it's not, even though you don't have any money, you still have family and family always look at each other and love each other." Jamila said and look at her family, who looked at her proudly.

"I know, I'm lucky that i got them._ Meg smiled, and Jamila is proud at her.

"My my, is that your daughter, Mia?" Marmee asks.

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