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Years ago...

"Oh it's been years huh." Jamila says.

Jo is standing in front of the door,  she sighs and opened the door. She looked around and saw the man reading something, she went to his table and spoke.

"Excuse me. I was looking for the Weekly Volcano office. I wish to see Mr. Dashwood." The old man just look at her, "A friend of mine desired me to offer a story by her. She... She wrote it. She'd be glad to write more if this suits."

"Liar." Amara coughed and Jo heard her and smack her head, "aww!" She whine and pout.

"No sir, She has sold to Olympic and Scandal, and she got a prize for a tale at the Blarneystone Banner." Jo proudly smiled.

"A prize?"  The old man questioned, and Jo drop her smile.


"Sit." The old man said and put his cigarettes on his mouth. The old man read the notes that Jo gave it, he get the ink quill.

The old man put the other notes down on his table, again and again he sometimes laugh, and put a big 'X' on the notes. Jo felt upset so she just looked down.

"That man!"

"We'll take this." The old man announced, as Jo looked up to him.

"Oh! You will?"

"With alterations. It's too long." Mr. Dashwood said.

"Uh, but you've cut... I-i took care to have a few of my sinners repent." Jo admitted and looked at Mr. Dashwood.

"The countryjust went through a war. People want to be amused, not preached at. Morals don't sell nowadays. Perhaps mention that to your friend." Mr.  Dashwood communicated.

"He's kind of right? I guess.?" Laurie says in nervously when Amara turned around to him but didn't sat anything.

Jo sighs and looked back at the old man, and spoke "What compensation...? How do you...?" The old man cut her off.

"We pay 25 to 30 for things of this sort. We'll pay 20 for that." He declared as Jo nodded while looking down at her notes and gave to his front.

"You can have it. Make the edits." Jo finally said as the old man straighten to his chair and looking at his drawer and Jo gave to the old man the notes and he returned a money to her.

"Should I tell my friend that you'll take another if she had one better than this?" Jo questioned.

"We'll look at it. Tell her to make it short and spicy. And if the main character's a girl, make sure she's married by the end." He replied. Jo nodded, "Or dead. Either way." He added.

"Excuse me?" Jo blurted, as the old man put his pen on the ink and asked Jo.

"What name would she like to put to the story?"

𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗈𝖿 𝗆𝗒 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍, 𝒄𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now