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They could seen a lot of people is in the beach. The March sisters kept playing around as Laurie introduced them to one of his friends.

"Oh yeah! I remember that, Hahaha! That's the time Jo told me that-" Jo cut her off.

"Shh!! you're spoiling them!"

"Except me, i know what happend there" Remus says, smirking and Lily nodded in agreement.

Laurie : This is Fred Vaughn and his sister, Kate.

"ThIs Is FrEd VaUgHn" Laurie mimicked himself, he can't help but jealous that time, Amara slapped his arms.

"Don't make fun!"

"Ooohh, Kate!" Amy teased her sister, Jo who tried not to blushed.


Laurie : Of course you know, Mr. Brooke. [He pointed at the March sisters.] This is Meg, Amy, Beth, Jo and Amara. [As the march sisters nodded at him.] And this guy beside Amara is Louis and Henry [Louis wave at him and Henry salute at him.]

Fred : So please to meet you!

Amara : oh how elegant, heh. [As they step forward to shake hands.] I'm Amara March, remember that name. I'm gonna find you one day in london. [As Amy and Louis snickered behind her, they step forward to shake hands with Fred Vaughn and Kate. Meg shook her head at her sister antics.]

"Oh she definitely did." Amy nodded kept teasing Laurie who clenched his jaws.

Fred : Oh i certainly will.

The scene went to Meg who's trying to play her kite with Beth, Amy, Louis and Henry. Amara keep looking at Laurie and back at her notes that draw Laurie. Jo and Laurie playing around.

"You really remember that time." Laurie smiled at his wife, and Amara just pecked his lips.

The scene went to Meg and John who's walking peacefully, and Meg throw a rock on the sea.

John : Oh, that i missed the boat.

Meg : That's very kind. [They walked back at place to sit, as Meg laugh what John said, and John just looked at her lovingly.]

John : Well... [Meg chuckles at this.]

Meg : Sorry!

Ron felt his heart ached at the scene, and he just keep smiling. Ginny saw her brother hide his sadness, so she forward to Ron and simply comfort him.

"You will find the right one, Ron."

Laurie : I know something that you don't know. [He said at Jo who's watching the water, Jo looks at him and followed.]

Jo : Tell me this second!

Laurie : Has Meg perhaps mislaid a glove? [Jo look at him a secon then realized it, she slapped Laurie's arms hard.]

Jo : Mr. Brooke has it!

The March sisters laugh at this and Meg is stunned to speak.

"So it's true then, what they saying to me!" Meg exclaimed and John nervously chuckled at her.

Aunt March just rolled her eyes at them, Juliet and Romeo just shook their heads at their daughters.

Laurie : Yes!

Jo: How do you know?

Laurie : I saw it.

Jo : Where?

"Bloody hell, Jo look like a detective." Bellatrix whispered at her friends as they snorted at this and can't hide their laughters so they just cough.

Laurie : In his pocket. [Jo looks at him, annoyed.]

Jo : All this time?!

Laurie : [as he jumps up and down.] Yes! Isn't it romantic?

Jo : No! It's horrid!

"True" Bellatrix agreed at Jo, as Jo point at Bellatrix and look at Laurie.

"See! She's agreeing with me because it's truly horrid!"

Laurie : [He stops jumping and just followed her.] I thought you'd be pleased.

Jo : At the idea of anybody coming to take away Meg No, thank you. [ Jo looks at him, as Laurie groaned.]

Laurie : You'll feel better when somebody comes to take you away.

Jo : I'd like to see anyone try.

"Oh Frederick did take you." Amara smirked at this and Severus hear a familiar name he just waved it off thinking maybe it's not him.

Laurie : I would like to see try someone as well. [As he put his hands on Jo's shoulder but Jo throw him on the water, as Laurie tried not to wet his shoes so je just walked out at Jo.]

"He loves his shoes more than me, honestly" Amara joked, as Laurie shook his head.

"That's not true!"

Jo went to Amara and sit beside her as she keep watching Laurie, Amara look up to her sister, curious.

Amara : what's wrong? [ Jo look at Amara.]

Jo : Did you know that Mr. Brooke had Meg's gloves? [Amara gasps and closer to Jo.]

Amara : He did? ,[She whispered as Jo nodded.] How did you know that Mr. Brooke had it?

Jo : Laurie told me. [As Amara look at her in seconds and look away to see Laurie playing around with Amy, Louis, Henry and Beth.]

"I smell a jealous Amara?" Jo mocked her and Amara made a face and stuck her tongue out.

The scene went to Amy, Meg, Beth, Louis and Henry playing badminton. Amara and Laurie ran as Jo chasing them and the others turned around to saw the three chasing around so they just joined them.

Juliet and Romeo smiled at the scene they want to repeat this to see their daughters be happy. As the other friends of them thinking maybe they could plan a reunion, same with the Marauder's era and golden trio era.

Maybe the Malfoy's, Black's and Lestrange's will changed for better good.

Author's note.

Second update? Wow. I'll try to finish the part two <3


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