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By the time we arrive at the Moffat house, there are already dozens of girls there. Sally, Meg's friend, tugs her off upstairs immediately, all the other girls squealing in tow, excited to put makeup on and get ready for the ball.

Amara seen walking to the Music Room to clean her violin and take her notes for violin and piano. Amara thinking which should she play, Wildest Dreams, she remember that Amy helps her to write this song

"Oh my god, i remember this! That was the best day, right?" Amy said excitedly at he older sister who, nodded at her chuckling at her antics.

Lily look at her how talented she is, she hope that when Amara knows that she and James are her real parents, she's okay if she doesn't called "mum" by Amara, she just want to be part at her life.

The boy seen walking around as he heard playing violin in the music room, he look at the door, slighly opened so that he can see who's playing. He saw a girl like just age of him, she wore a Pink Covent Garden Dress.
He listen and listen when the music stopped, he's confused when he turned around he saw Amara standing infront of her narrowing her eyes, he slighly jumped at surprise and calmed himself down, he put his hand on his chest and spoke. "Bloody hell you scared me."

"Well who are you?"

"Straightforward are you, my love?" Laurie whispered at her ears causing her to felt goosebumps, he just chuckles and pecked her cheeks.

"O-oh! I'm Henry Potter, please to meet you. And you are?" The said boy is just like James Potter.

"Wait! Is that our little brother?" Fleamont spoke, causing Amara to look at them confused, yes she knows that Henry had two brothers, but she didn't know that it's them.

"Yeah, wait what is he doing in Massachusetts state?" Charlus says in confusion on his face, then turned to Amara who deeply in thought, "Hey Mrs. Lawrence, Amara. Where's Henry?"

Amara look at him emotionless and said "the movie will explain where he is, but i know he's in a good place." When she turned away at him, one tear dropped at her cheeks, and immediately wipe away, that didn't go unnoticed by James Potter.

"Amara." She smiled at him and invited him to went inside as he immediately followed her.

"So Amara when did you learn how to play his instruments?" Henry asked.

"I learn when i was 6 years old, i used to draw and help my sisters. How about you?"

"Well, i used to play too, just piano, and my brothers and I always having picnic when we we're 7 years old." He smiled thinking at his brothers.

"Oh how miss the old days." Charlus and Fleamont spoke in sync.

"Really? Well my sisters always play for my other sister who's writing a novel, she's very talented you know, she always said to me that she will be the famous writer in the world, she's the second. The two youngers are my babies, The fourth is literally my baby, she always cling to me, and the last one is my buddy.- wait i told you that, I'm so talkative right now." Henry chuckled at her, so he spoke so that Amara can trust him.

"Well my brothers too, but we always play hide and seek, reading and others."

"Oh just like Heir's?" She asked and she got a nod from Henry, "Well that suck the others can't have a happy childhood i know other rich family just thinking their names and not there childrens, well as you tell me about your brothers, i feel like your parents are good."

"Well they are, but hopefully you met them buy there at UK, so I'm just staying here at my sister-in-law's friend."

"Oh! So that's why your accent is different."

"Of course he is, that's why he said UK." Snape spoke right now, they forgot about him. James and Harry scowled at him, Harry knows that Snape is the one who told the dark lord what prophecy is, that's why there first house got broken, and they almost lost a parents, but his sister gone in 2 years.

"Well i must be off, i hope to see you in the ball, Amara." Henry stood up and smiled at her, who smiled back.

"I will, see you later."

"Wait! Is not going talk about how Henry looks like James Potter?" The Hufflepuff third year asked.

"Well he's a Potter after all."

Author's note,

Well this is just a short chapter as i said that i will update soon, so i got an idea to add this, btw this is

Henry Potter


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