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Ginerva Mercedez

Ginerva Mercedez

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The next day as the March sisters eat breakfast, there was only quiet and small conversations. Amara went downstairs and saw the three March sitting quiet, and Amara looked at Meg and Meg shook her head, Amara sighed as she sit with Beth. Beth was feeding Joanna and Amara get the bread as she's watching Beth feeding Joanna.

Suddenly the Atmosphere tenses drastically as Amy skips down the stairs. When she sees Jo, she has a hopeful smile oncher face.

Walburga and Druella fond on the March sisters, and when they saw them fighting that broke their heart. Andromeda, Bellatrix, and Narcissa doesn't want them to fight too, they always fix them immediately, and not hold a grudge.

She sists down beside Jo, but Jo moves and sits down on the other end of the table. Amy sighs. Then Laurie bursts into the room.

"Good morning, Ladies!" he says in a cheerful voice, followed by Louis, not noticing the heavy tension except Louis, he knows Amara and her sisters in years so he knows that something happend. "It's brisk and brilliant and I think the last day for the river. Jo get your skates." He tells her.

"Oh my gosh, Boys are so oblivious!" Marlene says, and the boys seems offended at her words.

Jo springs up with a smile on her face, Amara side glancing her and looked at Louis who's looking at Amy as she sits beside Amara. Jo goes and gets her skates.

"I want to come too! Last time you promised I could go! Jo!" Amy speaks up, but is interrupted by the door slamming shut. Amara sighs in sadness not because of her sisters but Laurie, maybe she loves him now and can't say infront of him because she knows that Laurie loves Jo, and that Amara envious Jo. "Is she going to be like this forever?" Amy asks her other sisters.

"I'm sorry darling." Laurie says sighed and look down, Amara put her hands on his face to look at her.

"Don't be sorry, Laurie. I know how important your friendship with Jo and I understand that, and I'm happy that both you and Jo are good, even were together." Laurie smiled at her, he's very lucky that he got his love.

"It was a very hard loss for her." Beth tells her in a quiet voice.

"She'll come around." Meg tells her.

"Is there nothing I can do?" Amy asks.

"Go after her. Don't say anything till has got good nature with Laurie. Then say some kind thing. I'm sure she will be friends with you." Meg tells Amy. Hearing this Amy gets her skates and her coat before heading out.

"She's so determined to say sorry to Jo." Alice says, impressed at her.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happend?" Louis asks the three sisters, as Meg tells him everything, and Louis is shocked.

"Maybe we should look at them." Amara says, feeling something will happend. As they went where Jo and Laurie, she can see Jo looks back at Amy but didn't wait her as she went to Laurie. "Lou, can you walk faster?" As they walked faster, they heard Amy screams.

All the students screams at too, confused why they heard Amy's screams.

Jo remember this and went to Amy to hugged her who hugged back.

"AMY!" Amara screamed and leave Louis but he's running too, He looks at the arrival Jo and Laurie, he's disappointed at them but didn't say anything because he's worried at Amy.

"Why you look so disappointed?" Peter asks, and Louis look at him, and spoke.

"Because even you fight all the time you still need to fix it, and if you didn't forgive even though they did something wrong, the karma will turn to her. But that scene we're watching is she heard Laurie that it's dangerous and she doesn't think her youngest sister."

When they got Amy, Amara immediately hugged her and sobbing, as she help Amy to walked back in their home, Meg and abeth raced to the door as they heard sobbing and crying Amy. They saw Amy in a wet and torn dress, bruises on her hands and shivering from the cold. Meg wrapped a blanket around immediately while Beth got her dry clothes and Hannah some tea to warm up. They set her by the fire before getting Marmee, Amara is sitting beside Amy not leaving her, and Amy holds at her tightly. She keeps caressing her hair as she sleeps in her arms, Mother and Jo are here too. "I'm so sorry Amy." Amara brought a small smile to her face, Even when they tried. They couldn't be mad at each other for long.


As Amara walked through the forest to escape her stress in her practice and Aunt March advised on how to get a great husband who's wealthy. Laurie saw her and ran into the girl.

"Hi Amara!" He greeted the girl.

"WAIT! I LOVE THIS SCENE!" Lily squeal and Amara laughed at her, as Lily blushed madly, James look at her lovingly and lean to kiss her cheeks, and shocked because he doesn't feel a slapped in his face.

"Hey, Laurie."

"What are you doing here?" He questioned.

"Just wanted to go for a walk. Tired for Aunt's advised, although I love my sisters dearly, I just need some silence seems like I didn't have a break day."

"Oh, then I won't disturb you."

"Such a great man." Sproud says approvingly at him.

"I don't mind. I barely know you though we have been friends for a long time." She smiled at him.

"That is true. Then I guess we better start from the beginning?" He says with a grin.

"What the fuck he's so cute!" Pansy says, and looked at Laurie with flirty looks, but dropped it when Amara kissed her in the lips, and smirked at her.

"Alright, You may start." She agrees.

"I am Theodore Laurence." He says, holding his hand out to her, making her laugh at the boy's behaviour. She takes his hand, playing along. "But you may call me Laurie as you and I will be good friends. I like to read books but am always glad to join a adventure."

Friend, okay. She thought but she introduced herself too, "and I am Amara March" she bowed dramatically at him, and Laurie played along too "I like to read too, and I always sing, and I know how to used any kinds of Instruments, but am always glad to join a adventure too!"

As they talked, the scene changed they saw both of them laughing, running, and lastly the staring challenge that they did that time.

"And that's the beginning of Amara and Laurie's love story." Jo says, smiling. Happy that her sister is happy with Laurie.


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