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The scene went to Jo, Amara and Hannah standing on Beth's bed, Amara carries Beth's hair, and Jo looked at Hannah.

Jo : what do we do? [ Hannah look at her, and spoke ]

Hannah : We should send for your mother.

"W-wait so you didn't send your mother at first?" Ginny asked them, as they nodded silently.

The scene went to Amara, Meg, Jo, and Hannah staring at Beth, the door oepend to see Marmee immediately went to Beth. Laurie and Henry was the last one went inside as they both went to Amara and Jo.

Meg : Marmee! [ Meg went to Juliet, as Amara and Jo hugged their mother tightly.]

Hannah : Bless you.

Amara : Marmee, she's worse, we didn't know what else to do.

Laurie : Jo, how is she? [As he went to Jo hugged her tightly and Amara watch them but look away when she saw Henry went to her immediately.]

Marlene who shipped Amara and Laurie gasped dramatically at this but she didn't comment.

Amara : Oh thank god, you're here. I thought you went to London. [ As she hugged him tightly and tear silently, Henry hugged her back and kissed her forehead, Laurie look at them and felt bitter, so he just focused on Jo.]

"Jealous much?" Marlene couldn't help but comment, Laurie just chuckled slightly.

Juliet : My sweet Beth, Hannah make a clear broth, Jo get ice we need to cool you. [As Jo grab an ice and grab Laurie's hand. Amara and Henry went to Marmee, as Henry keep carries Amara's hair.]

Meg : who's with father?

Juliet : John stayed with him. We need to change the linens, [as they both stood up and both Amara and Henry help them to sat Beth.] We're going to move you, sweet girl. Oh look at her. [ As Juliet held Beth on her arms, Meg gave Amara the pillow as Amara put the pillow on the other bed, so Meg could fix the bed.]

"Is she now okay?" Bethy asked Amara who sat beside her, Amara nodded at her sadly smiling as Bethy hugged her tightly.

Jo seen opening her eyes who is sleeping in the chair,and looked around to see Beth wasn't in the bed, she called Amara, as they both rushed downstairs.

Amara and Jo : Marmee! [ Both of them are now crying thinking Beth but stopped when they saw Juliet serving Beth a food, they turned around to see Amara and Jo standing shocked, they both rushed to Beth hugged her tightly.]

Harry, Neville and Ron smiled at this they still remember when Neville didn't went to all of their classess, and Amara started to get worried at that time so she skip classes and just find Neville, little did she know Neville is on the Black lake, can't swim as Harry and Ron saw him they both helped him out and asked who pushed him, as Amara got worried and crying because she couldn't find Neville she saw Harry and Ron helping Neville to get out of the Black Lake.

Jo : Oh!

Amara : Beth!

Beth : Jo, Amara. [ As Amara started kissing Beth's cheek, Beth laughed at this and Jo kissed her head and spoke.]

Jo : Merry Christmas, Beth!

The scene went to the living room seeing Amara and Jo fixing the decorations, Juliet and Mattheo helping each other to wrapped a gift.

Amy : Popcorn. Make sure it's in the middle. [ Amy is just eating popcorn and helping her sisters. Amara went to the table and get the Christmas ball's.]

Jo : I know.

Amy : you're doing the sides first. The sides are spaced for my popcorn. [ Beth and Henry is seating each other as Louis who is in the kitchen helping Hannah immediately went beside Amy and get popcorn.] Louis! Oh wait look I'm making a popcorn garland. [And Amy went back to Jo.] Hey, you're wasting decorations and they're not dangling right. The sides are most important. If you don't have the sides.

The adults chuckled at this as other thinking that Amy Vanderbilt is a Malfoy.

"we loved to decorate too!" Bethy says happily as Amy smiled at her.

"Really where?"

"Here! We helped Professor Flitwick to decorate for Christmas or some events!"

Amara : you know Amy just helped her. [As Laurie rushed inside and spoke, Amara didn't turned around.]

Laurie : here's another Christmas gift for the March Family. [Romeo March went inside helped by John. Amy throw her popcorn and Amara immediately turned around to see her father is standing infront of them. ]

Amy : Oh my god!

Jo : Father!

Amara : you're back!

And the March sisters immediately rushed to Romeo and hugged him tightly, Romeo gave them a kissed on forehead.

Romeo's friends smiled at this but feel envious that they didn't got this from their children but understand because that's their consequences when they didn't pay attention on their children(s).

Romeo : My Little women. How you've grown. [And the March sisters smiled at him, Romeo turned to Beth who's beside with Amara and Amy.] Oh Beth, Merry Christmas, my dear. Merry Christmas to each of you.

"I'm so very proud to the both of you." Dorea spoke and wiping her tears, Romeo and Juliet just smiled at her.

Jo : Merry Christmas, father.

Meg and Amara : Merry Christmas. [As Juliet went to her husband and hugged him tightly. Amy and Beth hugged each other too, Amara went to Laurie and stand beside her.]

Amara : Thank you for bringing father back here. [ Amara smiled at him, and Laurie returned it.]

Laurie : It's what i can do, and i want all of you to be complete and happy. [Amara couldn't take but hugged him tightly and Laurie stumbled but gained the weight and hugged her back, they stayed like that, like they don't want to let go.]

Laurie couldn't help but feel comfortable at her same with Amara. As they heard a clears throat they saw all of them looking at their direction who's waiting at them to broke their embrace, as they separate quickly and looked around embarrassed.

The girls made a squeal especially, Marlene and Lily they get what they want as Amara hide her face in Laurie's chest who's laughing at her.


The March family is hugging each other and Amara joined them, laughing. The scene went to the dining table and all of tuem them are eating, Amara is seating beside Jo and Amy. They talked, laughing and playing around.

"Let shall give a break and eat first." Dumbledore announced as Ron and Peter made a loud sigh.

"Yes, food!" Ron and Peter shouted and their friends laugh at them, same with the March family who's watching them.

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