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Amara seen walking on of her place with her friend, Louis.

Harry was shocked to see her sister, she became a beautiful woman, and other man who had a crush on Amara deeply fell in love with her. The Little Women who fancy the book knows this and they can't help but excited.

Lily and Remus couldn't help their happines but keep them in their mind that the March sisters are here.

Amara and Louis remember this, and look at Amy with lovingly eyes.

"Mia, i want to tell you something." Louis began, and Amara look at him with curiousity.


"Ilikeamyalotpleasegivemeyourblessing." Louis said faster.


"what?" Amara asked confused.

Louis sighed "I like Amy a lot, please give me your blessing." Louis said slowly, and Amara stood up look at Louis shocked.

Amy and the others is shocked, Amy look at her husband and give him a small smile but Louis peck her lips and said that it's fine.

"Woah slow there lover boy, first of all I know you have a crush on my little sister, and second I will not give you my blessing if you truly love her, I mean you need to show her that you really love her not because she is a woman just for you to marry, I will give my blessing when you propose to her and with the permission of our parents and also my siblings." Amara said with serious tone.

The women nodded at her speech and Jo couldn't help but feel proud she feels like a proud mother, Juliet March look at her daughters feel like she's lucky that she have them.

"Is that all?" Louis said and Amara nodded slowly with smile, she wants Amy to be happy but Amy is still young, and of course, Louis is truly in love in Amy no doubt, you will always see Louis look at her lovely, "okay then I need to go home, Meg, Jo and I attending a ball I think. Bye." Amara leave Louis who is smiling like he win in Lottery.

When Louis saw Amara walked out he shouted "bye!"

꧁ time skip꧂

When Amara is seen walking in their room you could see Jo curling Meg's Hair.

"Oh I remember that" Amy said and Amara laugh, and Jo look at Meg and muttered 'sorry.'

"Ought they to smoke like that." Beth wondered out loud, eyeing Meg's hair and the tongs.

"Imagine Jo ruined Meg's hair." Amara said who walk in, and Amy saw her and immediately tackled her in hug.

"Where have you been, Ara!" Amy asked and she hugged her tightly.

"I'm with Louis." Amara said and wink at her who blushed.

Louis see this and look at her wife who's looking at her already.

"Don't you dare, and I swear to God you will sleep in the living room if we come back home." Amy threatened him, who immediately nods.

"Well sorry to disappoint you, Mia but it's just the dampness drying" Jo said, confidently.

"What a queer smell. It's like burnt feathers" Meg observes.

"There, now you'll see a perfect ringlet" Jo says, removing the tongs from Meg's hair. When Jo let go, a burnt clump of hair falls to the ground. We all look at the clump of hair, then at each other wide eyes and letting out a gasp, but Jo screams, making Meg screams. Amy and Amara screams as well.

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