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Meg was sitting in the dark while his husband was reading the letter that cost what Meg bought.

Meg groaned at this scene, she feels really sorry that time and John saw her reaction he hug her tightly and whispered 'its fine.'

Ron was watching them with sad look.

"I'm sorry, John." Meg said in sincerely. "The silk was the first real expense."

John cough uncomfortable "Ahem, $50, while a lot, is not, I suppose." John couldn't find a word, he was really shocked that the price is ver expensive. "Too much for a dress with all the notions that are needed to finish it these days."

"This is why I'm single." Aunt March rolled her eyes as Proffesor McGonagall raised her eyebrows at her and gave her a look.

"It's not exactly even a dress yet. It's... It's just the fabric." Meg confessed and looked down. John is indeed shock he put his glass on the table.

"Oh. I see."

"I know you're angry, John. I don't mean to waste money, but I can't resist when I see Sallie buying all she wants and pitying me because I don't." Meg ramble "I try to be contented, but it is hard. And I'm tired of being poor."

"What's wrong for being poor? Is it because they can't afford what they want? You know, If you really want to buy what you want, you need to work harder until you saved money and buy all what you want." Amara said in serious tone but she feel what Meg says.

"I know. I just... You know I can't resist of buying dress. You know me, right Amara? I really wanted to have a beautiful dress." Meg confessed.

"You know, dear. I can give you half of my dresses and we can shopping after this." Narcissa offered as the March sister turned to her who's smiling at them.

"Oh. I don't want to be burden, Ms.." Meg asked her name, as Narcissa smiled at her.

"You can call me, Cissy."

"Cissy, I don't want to be burden and also I don't want you to cost a lot of money because of me."

"Oh dear, It's fine. I know mother would agree on this, right mother?" Narcissa turned to her mother who watched their interaction.

"Of course, dear. She's Juliet and Romeo's daughter after all." Druela smiled at them.

"Thank you." Meg breathed happily.

"I was afraid of this. I do my best, Meg." John expressed his feelings as Meg immediately went closer to him.

"Oh, John. My dear, kind, hardworking boy. It was so ungrateful and wicked... How could I say it?"

"Perhaps you meant it." John commented and Meg immediately disagree.

"No, I didn't. We'll work out a way to get you your cost as well, and then won't we be grand, the two of us?"

"I can't afford it, my dear."

"John.." Meg looked at her with sadness.

"I need to go to bed." John responded and stood up and left.

"John." Meg called her, John side glance at her and said a last words and left.

"And I really am very sorry that you've had to do without so many beautiful things... And that you're married to someone who can't give them to you."

And that Meg was left alone in the dining table, silently crying.

"I'm really sorry for that, my dear." John apologized as Meg looked at him as if he's crazy.

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