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Meg sat beside Beth on her bed as Jo walk towards to them and put the plate on the chair beside the bed, she looks down at the window and saw Meg's husband walking back and forth.

Jo called her and give her a signal to take a look at the window, Meg walked towards the window and saw her husband.

"I feel like he was going to say something to her." Harry said as John Brooke smiled at his wife who remember what happened that time.

She went to him and face each other. She looked down and spoke.

"I'll come home to help with the children, I'm so sorry. I just... I'm so worried for beth-" John cut her off.

"Stay." Meg looked at him confused, "I asked for leave. I will take care of the children." John said softly as Meg sighs happily and hugged him tightly.

"He's so green flag." Ginny sigh dreamily as Harry look at her confused.

"What does green flag? Like he's representing slytherin?" Ron said, as Ginny rolled her eyes on how idiotic his brother is.

"No idiot, it means that he's not a type of guy who has a anger issue and lash it out to his love ones, well there's a lot of explanation of being a green flag."

"Oh john.." they hugged each other as John spoke again.

"There's one other thing..." Meg looked at him. "You should send your fabric to the dressmaker as soon as possible." John smiled at her as Meg denied it.

"I can't."

"I don't want to hear another word." John refuse what Meg says. "I want you to have that dress. My old coat will be fine for the winter." He chuckled as Meg smiled happily.

"He wants our daughter to have a dress even though he doesn't have a new branded coat, he still thinks her." Jammila smiled at this as Remus thinks this guy is good to his daughter.

Meg couldn't even say a word because of what she heard. "John, I..."

"It's all settled."

"John , I really can't. I sold the fabric to Sallie." Meg said.

"You did?" John couldn't believe what he heard, he kiss both Meg's hands and spoke, "I don't want you to be unhappy."

Meg argued "I couldn't be. John Brooke is my husband. And I am his wife." Meg said it proudly.

John Brooke look at his wife lovingly as he kissed her and Meg kissed back.

Jo was watching them on the window as she heard something behind her, and she saw that Beth is having a high fever.

"Hannah!" Jo shout as they took care of Beth.

Jo spends her night beside Beth so that she could took care of her and stay awake beside her.

Jo looked at Beth who is sleeping as she cries silently beside Beth. "Please fight."

"Don't go quietly. Fight." Jo mumbled sadly. "Please, please, just fight to the end and be loud, and don't just quietly go away, Beth."

Amara remember what Amy said to her what happened to Beth. She looked down and tried herself not to cry.

Jo remember what happened that day, she hugged Marmee as they witness it.

Jo woke up and doesn't saw Beth beside the bed, she walks slowly and slowly until she went down the hall to see that Marmee is crying. Marmee turned around and saw Jo is crying and standing like a mannequin that doesn't move.

"Oh, jo.." Marmee cried as Jo went to her and hugged her tightly as they cried with each other.

All the students and staff in Hogwarts is silent, All of Juliet's friends saw how vulnerable she is and now they looked at their kids and think that how could they live without them?

Parents doesn't want to see their kids die, that hurts them a lot as they saw them how to grow up and just a moment they died before them.

Jo called Amy to tell the bad news as Amy started crying in her room silently but still heard a loud sob.

The March Family is now hugging each other to feel their presence and cried with each other.

The people in Hogwarts looked at the family with pity. Of course they will be hurt if someone in their family died.

It hurts like a bitch if you lose someone who is special to you.

Amara walking down the halls when she heard the loud sob behind the doors of Amy's room, she knocked softly and open slowly and saw that Amy is crying like a mess. She went straight to her and asked what happened.

"It's Beth." Amara suddenly felt numb as she heard her younger sister's name. "Ara, she's gone."

Amara is still crying, back then she think that it was her fault because she was not beside Beth with her last breath.

Those words is enough for her to hear it and she suddenly cried loudly that Aunt March went to them and know the news as they saw the redness on their Aunt's eyes.

"It will hurt Amara so much to the point that she will think that it was her fault." Harry said as he looked at his sister who's still crying. Amara's friends from Hogwarts agreed with this as they know how Amara that she will feel bad herself just to hurt her feelings.

They packed their things and left right away.

Marmee saw Amara and Amy and suddenly cried again as Meg run towards them and hug them.

"Beth is gone." Meg kept mumbling that word as Amara keeps the cold face but still saw the tears that dropping on her face.

They went to the cemetery to put Beth in peace. And just that they looked down the graveyard of Beth March.

Amara is left alone and suddenly feel that someone is beside her, and saw Laurie who also looked down the graveyard and towards her.

Laurie insisted to hug her and Amara gave in and cried silently but still heard the sob.

"It is not the right time to feel giddy but they are so cute." Ginny mumbled and looked at them with loving eyes.

Author's note:
Hey guys! I guess I'll try my best to update, anyway I won a competition! It was nice to have a gold medalist.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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