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They discussed about what will happen, as they agreed on letting Amara do the fainting scene, while Amy would still be playing the rest of the character herself. The door flung open, and Marmee stepped in with a smiled on her face cheerfully shouting.

"Merry Christmas, girls!" All the sisters shrieked and crowded around their mother, hugging and warming her up.

"I'm so glad to see you so happy!"

"Mother! Are you freezing?"

"Come have some tea!"

"Marmee, come have some tea!"

Amara went to the kitchen to fix the table for marmee and the others sat down with Marmee.

The parents felt jealousy over Juliet March, they can see why the March sisters always happy when Juliet and Romeo always around.

"You raised them so well, Jules." Euphemia smiled at her friend.

"Yeah, they always give me happiness!"

"Jo, you look tired - were you up again all night, writing? Amy, cone kiss me! How are my girls?"

"Were good, Marmee."

"I'm so hungry!"

"I could eat a horse.

"Stop it, Jo!"

"Meg, look at this breakfast!"

"God, I'm even hungrier now!"

The students and parents laughed at there silliness, James and Jamila always do that when Family bonding.

They all sit down, and before they could dig in, they see the sad expression on Marmee's face.

"What happend ,Marmee?"

"Not far from here lives a poor young woman, Mrs. Hummel. Her five children are in one bed to keep from freezing, and there is nothing to eat. My girls, will you give them your breakfast as a Christmas present?" Marmee spoke, as everyone fell into silence but Amara broke the silence.

"Oh god please help them!" Euphemia and Molly said in time, worried.

"Don't worry Mrs. Potter and Molly." Lily says smiled at her daughter who smiled but don't know how to approached the red haired girl.

"We should, we can eat a lot of foods, just magine a miracle later, they need foods so what are you all waiting for? Let's go!" Amara clapped her hands for cheering while standing, Marmee gave her a smile, and Beth spoke.

"Is this where you say that father would want us to?" Beth spoke quietly, and Marmee answered her with a nod.

(I am so sorry if I'm skipping this I know this is my favorite scene but I have a headache so I'll try to update.)

"Ach, Neon Gott! It is good angels come to us! Mrs. Hummel explained to her children, thanking over and over as the March's set up the table and handled the kids.

The adults who saw how energetic the March sisters to help other people and they smiled at the screen.

꧁𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚍꧂

Walking back home, The March's were freezing but happy. They walked in shocked at the sight of an unimaginable feast, with candy, ice cream, and cakes.

"Is it fairies?" Amy says imagining the fairies with her eyes sparkling with joy and happiness.

"Santa Claus!"

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