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"We could never have loved the earth so well if we had no childhood in it, if it were not the earth where the same flowers come up again every spring that we used to gather with our tiny fingers. What novelty is worth that sweet monotony where everything is known and loved because it is known?"

You could see no one is in the beach except Beth and Jo who is reading a novel for Beth.

"That was a great story, dear." Umbridge put a fake smile on her face to Jo as Jo gave her also a fake smile and say 'thank you toerag'.

Jo looked up to Beth who is quietly listening to her "How great is that?"

Beth agreed and looked at the sea "I love to listen to you read, Jo, but I love it better when you read stories you've written."

"I don't have any new stories." Beth looked back at her curiously.

"Why not?"

Jo closed the book and turned to look at the sea and spoke bitterly "Haven't written any."

"This is Friedrich fault." Amara jokingly said as Jo gave her a warning look "I was just joking!"

"You have pencil and paper. Sit here and write me something." Beth said as Jo keep shaking her head saying 'no'.

"I-I can't. I don't think I can anymore." Jo replied to her.

"Why?" The young girl questioned her older sister.

"It's just... no one even cares to hear my stories anyway." Jo answers her as Beth feel sad to her older sister so she gave her an idea.

"Excuse me? We're always there for you!" Amy put an offensive look as Jo gave her a sheepishly smile.

"I know."

"Write something for me. You are a writer. Even before anyone knew or paid you. I'm very sick, and you must do what I say." Beth jokingly said but half of them are true as Jo lay down in the sand and sigh "Do what Marmee taught us to do. Do it for someone else." Beth remind her.

"I agree to my little sister over there." Amara smirked but that smirk is just how she hide her sadness and Harry really knows her. He knows she is sad.

The screen changed as they saw a beautiful place in London which is where Amara and Laurie are there. Laurie is laying down and Amara well she quietly drawing Laurie on her sketch as they have a small picnic.

"Laurie, when are you going back to your grandfather?" Amara asked her as she look at Laurie who is laying down and look up the sky.

"Very soon." He replied.

"You've said that a dozen times in the past month." Amara said while go back to her work.

"And I keep waiting on him you trouble kid!" Mr. Laurence said as Laurie just say 'hehe'.

"Short answers save trouble."

"Well, he is expecting you, so why don't you do it?" She acknowledged him as Laurie sat up on his place and looked at Amara.

"Natural depravity, I suppose." Laurie remarked as Amara blurted.

"Natural indolence, you mean."

"Another point for Amara!"

"I'll only plague him if I go, so I might as well stay and plague you longer. You can beat it. In fact, I think it agrees with you." Laurie squished Amara's cheeks as Amara stop him.

Laurie looked at her with smile as Amara stared back at him with high chin.

"He's inloveee" Ginny sang as the other who heard her laugh.

𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗈𝖿 𝗆𝗒 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍, 𝒄𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now