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Jo is seen watching Beth and Amy softly, preparing for Meg's wedding, as the bride spoke.

"I can't believe today is my wedding day." Meg said softly as Jo just hummed still watching them, Amy walked to the door and kissed Meg's forehead and sat beside her and look at Jo.

"Congrats to the both of you." Ron says as he gave Meg and John a small smile but his eyes looks pain and sad.

The Weasley siblings tried to comfort him quietly same with Harry it didn't unnoticed by Amara who's watching them, curiosity.

'had i met them?' Amara thoughts.

"What's wrong?" Amara asked them, Meg shrugged not knowing Jo is being weird.

Jo look at them and back at the window "nothing." She said quickly, she looks so trouble.

"Jo." Meg called her as Jo went infront of them and Amara looks at her with confused look.

"We can leave. We can leave right now. I can make money, I'll sell stories, I'll do anything, I'll cook, I'll clean, I'll work in a factory. I can make a life for us." Jo rambled and Amara looks at her with an amused on her face.

"She doesn't want Meg to leave her isn't she?" Andromeda says, as the March sisters nodded at her, Andromeda smiled at this.

"She's like Bellatrix over there." Sirius points at her cousin with knowing look, Bellatrix couldn't help but sigh knowing that he's right.

"Jo-" Jo cut Meg's off.

"And you should be an actress, and Amara could help us this she can be a singer too! And you should have a life on the stage, Let's just run away together!"

"I want to get married." Meg said softly look straight at Jo's eyes.

"Oh, why?"

"Because she loves him." Amara said i sincerely, and Meg nodded at her.

"Amara, she will be bored of him in two years, and we will be interesting forever."

"Just because my dreams are different than yours, doesn't mean they're unimportant." Meg said softly, Jo sighs in defeat and sit at the floor. "I want a home, and a family. And I'm willing to work and struggle, but i want to do it with John."

Remus and Jamila put a proud smile on their faces, they just can't wait to tell them that Hermione Lupin or being known as Meg March-Brooke is their parents.

"That's very mature for you, Miss Brooke." Minerva said with sincere tone and smiled softly at her former student.

Jo started to fall her tears and smiled sadly, "I just hate that you're leaving me." She shook her heads still contact eye with Meg. "Don't leave."

Lily and other students who read Little Women and the mother felt pity on her, and Lily is on verge to cry.

"This is so sad." Bethy says with sad pout on her, and Amara just carry her and put Bethy on her lap and they just sway, same with Laurie with their child, Caelum.

"Oh, Jo. I'm not leaving you." Meg says and she softly carries Jo's head. "And besides one day it will be your turn."

"I'd rather be a free sprinster and paddle my own canoe." Meg laughs at her, and Amara just put a small smile on her face. "I would."

"You know when i was a ten years old, i plan to be a free sprinster and paddle my own canoe." Bellatrix said in innocent tone.

"You know Jo, maybe someday you can find who you can marry." Amara said in sadly, knowing that the Lawrence boy would confess at her anytime.

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