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The Great Hall opened and they saw four girls and three boys with two kids, and two baby in boy and girl arms.

"What's happening?" Amy asked and cling into Louis.

"WE DON'T EVEN KNOW, AMY!" Amara shouted but you can hear the scared in her voices.

"I feel like it's magic." Jo said.

"I doubt it, Magic it's not real" Meg said and sigh.

"Excuse me but who are you?" Professor McGonagall asked them but she can feel that the girl who shout is the Female Potter.

"Well let's introduced ourselves, I'm Jo March."

"Amy March - Vanderbilt."

"Amara March - Laurence."

Amara's friend in Hogwarts is happy because she's alive and happy.

Harry couldn't help but cry because he misses so much his sister, and the parents is Happy because they saw how their daughter is Happy and Healthy, and they couldn't help but why Amara is not March or Potter, why Laurence?

"Meg March - Brooke."

Ron is happy because Hermione is back, but couldn't help sad because he feels like she's married. Jamila and Remus smiled at her, and any second you can hear Jammy's sobs.

"I'm Theodore Laurence." Said the raiven haired man who looked like Regulus Black.

"And I'm Louis Vanderbilt" Said the curly haired man.

"I'm John Brooke." Said the handsome tall man. "And this is Daisy and Demi, our child." And hug Meg with a smile and Meg smiled back at him.

Harry and Ron is shocked because they're best friend is married and have kids.

"Brilliant." Harry said with a surprised tone.

"This little boy here is Arcturus Caelum Laurence" said Amara in her arms, Laurie is brushing Caelum's baby hair. "That little girl in Laurie's arm is Beth Vanderbilt." Amy smiled at her sister and thanking her to introduced their little girl.

"Sorry, but who are you all?" Laurie said.

"Yeah, when we went here we feel like we spin you know." Jo said with sarcasm.

"Jo." Amara scolded her and Jo just laugh at her.

"Your at Hogwarts." Draco answered this time.

"Hogwarts? The hell was that?" Louis said. And Amy shushed him.

"Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardy."

"Woah, i thought Witch and Wizards aren't real?" John said, and look at Meg with curiosity. But Meg also curious to but she's kinda have a small memory of her time at Hogwarts.

"Hey look at that Mummy! He looks like Santa Claus!" Daisy said with a happy tone and point at Dumbledore. The students couldn't help help but laugh at Dumbledore.

Amara, Laurie, Amy, Louis, John, Jo, and Meg couldn't help too but laugh. "Oh goodness, that's good, Daisy you need to learn more with Auntie Amara and Auntie Amy." Amara said while laughing.

Harry smiled at her, happy because he can see Amara now.

"Well me as a Witch Mr. Brooke i can show you." Professor McGonagall said and get the wand and cast a 'Expecto Pantronum. You can see a silver tabby cat with square spectacles.

"Wow, cool! Look papa that's a cat!" Demi jumped in happiness and Meg laughed at him and kiss his forehead.

"Well it's real, so why are we here?" Laurie asked.

"Well as you can see we need to watch the life of Amara Potter who also known as Amara March, Hermione 'Margaret' Granger 'Lupin' also known as Meg March, and last Theodore Laurence also known as Regulus Arcturus Black." Said the Head of Hogwarts.

The Black Family cried in happiness, and Sirius is smiled widely at Laurie

"See! I told you Amy, Laurie have this obsession at constellations!" Amara said smugly.

They watched the previous movie in screen.

"But wait how can i be Hermione or whatsoever?" Meg asked.

"Yeah how can i be alive if 'I' died in Inferi Lake?" Laurie also asked.

"About yours Mrs. Brooke is the necklace you got, that's what we called 'time turner' but you broked it, and Mrs. Laurence tried to get it and you touched her in shoulder and went in your Year the time - turner inside has a spell "retour potion" and have "canus potion". As for you Mr. Laurence, the potion you drink in Inferi have "emfánisi Potion" and also "CanusPotion." Head of Hogwarts finished.

"Wow." Jo said.

"Wait a second! So if you are the March Sisters! I would like to say, i love your book and I'm currently reading!" Remus said, and Jo couldn't help but feel happy, and the March Sisters smiled at him. Lily look at them starstruck she can't believe that the book she's been reading are real.

"Thank you very much for reading." Jo smiled widely at him.

"Well we need your permission, if it's okay we can watch your lives." Head of Hogwarts said. And they stared all each other and have silent agreement they nodded. "Well sit and be comfortable."

"This is weird, we can watch our lives." Jo whispered. And the others just nodded.

Another arriving, Mr. And Mrs March(Romeo and Juliet March) , Aunt March (Marjorie March) and Mr. Laurence (Mattheo Laurence.)

Minerva, Walburga, Druella, Dorea and Euphemia is shocked to see there former friends, they shouted Juliet's nickname who created it. "JULES!" the five woman stood up and walked faster to hugged her, Juliet is shocked and Minerva went to Marjorie and hugged her tightly, The March sisters is shocked to see there Aunt accept to hugged the woman back.

"Bloody hell, is that Romeo?" Fleamont announced and Orion, Cygnus, Charlus, and Abraxas snapped their head to see Romeo, and they went to him and begun to celebrate.

The children of the former friends is shocked to see them celebrating and almost because they know all of them are enemies. After the celebration they went to there separate seats and said they will talk later.


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