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Meg was looking at the beautiful fabric in her front as her old friend, Sally, was talking to one of her costumers.

"Twenty yards of the blue silk, as well as pink. Someone will be by for it later." Sally walked towards to her as Meg keep looking at thr fabric.

"Oh, Meg, that'd look lovely on ypu. I know just the dressmaker tp send you to."

"Oh i remember this." Meg sigh as John keep mumbling to her that it's fine.

"You'll be the prettiest wife in Concord."

"Even, Meg wouldn't wear that she still beautiful." John compliment his wife, as Meg smiled at him.

"Oh, I... John needs a new coat for winter, and Daisy and Demi needs new clothes, I...-" she was cut off by Sally.

"The mother's love." Euphemia smiled at her granddaughter.

"And his wife needs a new dress."

"I can't. It's... I just can't." Meg sigh.

"He'll be so pleased with how you look, he'll forget all about the expense." Sally keep insisting her as Meg look back at the fabric and spoke.

"I don't suppose it's too much an extravagance."

"Will 20 yards do?" The guy spoke who's also a worker there.

"Yes." Meg accepted, she looks back at Sallly who put a smile on her.

"It's tempted, right?" Narcissa said, as Meg sigh and nodded.

"Fifty dollars? What was I thinking?" Meg said as she's now on her house cleaning her hands and look at her childrens who's playing infront of their house. She sat up as her two kids ran towards her.

"Mommy!" Meg hugged the both of them.

"Oh, my loves. Go play." She told them as her two kids ran again ang continue their playing as she's watching them.

"You're such a good mom, Meg." Amara whispered to her, as Meg smiled at her.

"You too, Ara."

"Well, Marmee raised us as good person." Amy said.

At March House, someone's playing piano and that is... Beth.

Amara remember this. She was the one who gave the chords on Beth when she's leaving on their house and went to Europe with her Aunt and Amy.

The screen changed as Jo watching in theatre.

"There lies your way, due west. Then westward ho!"

"Grace and good disposition attend your ladyship. You'll nothing, madam, to my lord by me?"

A man appered on the screen as he's watching also a theatre.

Severus couldn't believe what he is seeing right now. At first he thought it was other man but you can clearly that

That's his father.

"Stay, I prithee, tell me what thou thinkest of me. That you do think you are not what you see."

Jo is standing couldn't leave her smile on her face as she watch the show.

"If I think so, I think the same of you."

The man looks at Jo's direction and look infront of him hide his smile.

Severus Snape couldn't help but shocked when he saw how his father just easily smiled at the woman.

"Wait... Is that Sev's father?" Rabastan whispered as Rebecca and Rodolphus looked at each other and the three Lestranges looked towards the mentioned boy.

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