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"Hurry up, you two! Meg and Amara's gonna be gone for a week!" Amy shouted at Jo and Laurie who's running.

"We're coming!" Laurie shouted back.

"You take the other carriage, Laurie." Jo begin. "Spy on them, make sure they doesn't fall in love." Laurie respond 'i will.'

"So protective, I love it!" Dorcas says.

"Course I am, I don't want them to hurt because of man."

Meg and Amara holding Marmee's arm, Meg spoke "it was nice of Annie to invite us to her debutante ball!"

"Thank you for letting us go, Marmee." Amara says,smiling at her Mother.

Lily smiled at her daughter, and the Lestranges thinking if they're mother is there, they will be had a mother's love too?

"Just be who you are." Marmee reasoned. Amara smiled. "And, wear this to the ball, it was mine when I was your age." She gave Meg her jewelry, and she gave Amara a red necklace with symbol of lion. "I've never understood saving jewelry until marriage, you should have something that's just yours."

They can see Laurie and Jo playing around, and Amy just watching them, and she saw Louis. "Louis!" Amy shouted at him, and Louis immediately turn around to see him.

"Hey is that the necklace we brought at hogsmeade?" Charlus says, and Fleamont, Orion, Abraxas, and Cygnus look at the screen for confirming if that's the necklace they bought for Juliet, and they nodded.

"Amy! How have you been?" Louis smiled at her, and you can see the blushed on both of them.

"I'm good, how about you?" Amy asked, and she got a nodded with smile.

"Yes pretty things should be enjoyed." Jo says and kneel infront of Laurie and gave him a ring, Laurie get it and look at the ring, and Jo tapped her shoulders.

"Argh! I remember this!" Meg grumbled and playfully glared at Laurie.


"I wish I could go to the debutante ball." Amy says with slightly jealous tone, and she went to Amara to hugged her tightly who hugged her back.

"Do you think this is good idea, them going away like this?" Mr. Brooke asked, worriedly at the two March.

"Oi, you shouldn't include me, because both of us knew your worried for Meg thinking maybe she could marry a guy!" Amara teases him, and John Brooke playfully rolled his eyes.

"Girls have to go in the world, and make up their own mind about things." Marmee stated, and look at the four March (Amy, Meg, Amara and Jo.)

The women nodded at this except Umbridge who doesn't agreed, she thinks it's wrong.

"Don't forget about us." Jo says.

"we won't, Jo. It's only a week." Meg says with chukling through her words.

"Well, I might find a guy in there." Amara smirks at this and Jo glared at her "kidding!"

"Don't you dare."Laurie says but he knew Amara wouldn't do that.

"They needs to have some decent shoes." Hannah says and gave to Marmee.

Amara and Meg ran into Mr. Laurence and they help him to walk "Thank you for the carriage, Mr. Laurence" Meg thanked him, and Amara continued her sentence.

"We don't know how to repay you" Mr. Laurence cut her off

"Nonsense, nonsense." While patting her arms.

Orion and Cygnus mocked him, and they got a flying shoes from Mattheo Laurence. Sirius and Bellatrix look at their father id they are insane, and they know where they got their attitude.

I said hi to the horse before. They're very nice."

"Although there is one thing, it occurred me today. That my daughter's piano suffers from want of use." Mr Laurence stated, "Any of your girls like to run over and practice on it now and then? Just to keep it tune. If they don't care to come, why then nevermind." He says, and Beth rushed infront of him.

"So dramatic." Orion rolled his eyes and he got a flying shoes AGAIN from Mattheo "stop! My beautiful face will ruin!"

"Hey Padfoot, I know where you got your dramatic attitude." James whispered and pointed at Orion, who's crying and muttered 'my one beauty face!'.

"Sir, they do care. Very, very much." Beth said.

"You're the musical girl, huh?" Mr. Laurence asks softly, so that Beth wouldn't scared at him.

"I love it, dearly. Ara taught me how to do it. And I'll come if you are quite sure. So nobody will hear me and be disturbed."

"But your the one who help me in others so I didn't taught you, you taught yourself and I'm very proud at you." Amara whispered at her, and Beth just smiled at her.

"Not a soul, my dear." Mr. Laurence smiled at her, as she went back to Hannah and hooked her arms.

"Is Mattheo being nice?" Charlus asks, and Mattheo feel offended at this.

"I'm always nice!" He shouted and Dorea raised her eyebrows at him.

"Are you sure? I remember you pushed one of our classmate in the Slytherin common room, and then you said 'dont you ever touch me ever again! And don't come near me, you disgust me' and you just stormed in our basement." Dorea says, and the friends of them widened their eyes as they remember the scene, and Mattheo went red in embarrassment.

"Yeah, and he said to us 'that girl had gained a confident to confessed infront of Melissa! She knew that me and Melissa is together!'" Minerva mimicked his voice, and the marauders watching them amusedly, they didn't know that McGonagall causing mayhem back then.

"Miss you!"


"Stay safe, Ara! Meg!"

"Could I borrow your ribbons?"



They saw Amara and Meg sit in the carriage, they laughed when Amara says something.

"Bye! Be good. Enjoy the ball."


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