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"The post office in the forest was a capital little institution and flourished wonderfully, for many things passed through it. Poetry and pickles, music and gingerbread, invitations, scoldings, and even puppies."

"What a great story, Jo." Marmee smiled at her daughter.

Jo is seating reading for Beth who's laying down on her leg and playing a sand, they are on the beach again. Beth laughs when she heard Jo is making a different voice.

"It's all about us" Beth said.

"It is." Jo agreed. Both of them sat in silent and Beth broke the silence."I love it.""It's just a little story."

"Nothing like what you usually write." Beth emphasized 'usually'.

"You think it's too boring?" Jo questioned her.

"No, it's my favorite one yet." Beth answers her.


"Write me another." Beth happily said and Jo chuckles.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Keep writing them." Beth encouraged her as Jo keep saying yes.

"I will."

"Even when I'm not here." Beth muttered but Jo heard her and she looked away trying to force herself not to cry.

"I hate it when someone say that." The Ravenclaw 1st year who sat at the Hufflepuff table said as her best friend who is also 1st year but she was sorted into Hufflepuff spoke.

"Me too, it's just very depressing and mostly if your favorite person say that, promise me not to say any depressing speech, okay?" The Hufflepuff said as her bestfriend nodded.

Amara hear what they say and she just hug Laurie tightly as Laurie hugged back knowing his wife needs a comfort hug from him.

"Don't say that, Don't say it." Jo keep saying that because she doesn't want to lose Beth.

"Jo, I have to tell you." Beth sat up and Jo look down and doesn't want to heat what will Beth say.

"No you don't-" Beth cut her off.

"I've had a very long time to think this, and... And I'm not afraid."

"No." Jo shook her head, doesn't want to think what Beth say. "Nope."

Beth look at her sadly understand why is Jo like this but she want Jp tp understand that she's not afraid to leave this world. "It's like tide going out. It goes out slowly, but it can't be stopped."

Amara tried herself not to cry as she just hold tightly at Laurie, Harry saw this and he just want to be by her side saying that he will always be there for her.

They sat down and looked down as Jo out of nowhere say.

"I'll stop it." Jo looked at Beth who doesn't say anything and she leaned on to Beth, "I stopped it before."

The scene changed as Amara and Amy entered and greet Aunt March.

"Oh I remember this." Aunt March said.

"Hello Aunt March." They said in sync as they sat infront of Aunt March.

"Oh, Hi Amy dear. By the way Amara, that Laurence boy was just here asking me if you're here."

Amy looked at her sister who she knows cried in hours because of the Laurence boy.

"He was?" Amara smiled, as Amy chuckles knowing why Amara is smiling but still noy forgive Laurie for what he did to her precious sister.

"What a dissapointment he's turned out to be." Aunt March said as Amara try not to roll her eyes of what Her Aunt said about Laurie. "Must be the Italian in him."

"Uh, when will he be back?" Amara changed the topic asking when the Laurence boy will be back.

"Missed me already huh?" Laurie cockily smirked as Amara scoff.

"You wish.'

"Hmm, He's gone." Aunt March casually said while sipping her tea. "To London."

Amy looked at her sister with sadness. As Aunt March looked at her with knowingly looked.

"Why?" Aunt March asked.

Amara held a dissapointment look and sadness as Aunt March asked her again."What do you need to discuss with him?"

Amara remember what she did earlier when Fred was about to propose to her but she turned him down and left. Amara tried not to cry infront of her sister and to her Aunt March who she know will be dissapointed of what she did to Fred.

"Oh my dear, why did you do that?" Dumbledore asked as if he's also dissapointed of what she did.

"Ot's obvious that I don't want to force myself to love someone who I don't want to be with. And I just follow my heart, but why I am explaining this. It's none of your business if what I will choose. It's my life afterall."

"Tell him!"

That's right now suck it up, Dumbles!" James shouted as Lily tried her best to pulled down James but still not forgive the headmaster what he did to Sirius Family.

Amara weakly spoke, "I..I just told Fred Vaughn I wouldn't marry him."

Author's note:

Hola! well so this is my come back chapter I will promise to update next week cuz that's our last day, tomorrow is my last long test so wished me luck!

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