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All of the students, Parents, friends and others is shocked and amazed at her voice. James Potter couldn't help but feel proud at her little daughter, he wants to hug her, and tell her that, she's her father.

Pansy Parkinson is so shocked and furious, she doesn't know that Amara knows how to sung. Obviously. "How.." she breathed still shocked.

Minerva is proud at her favourite former student, she likes Amara than Harry, like she always there for her.

Lily, Jamila, Euphemia, Juliet had tears in their eyes, feeling proud at their daughter/niece/granddaughter.

Amy is happy to see Amara and Louis's performance, and Bethy went to Amara and hugged her, causing Amara to startled and hugged the girl back.

"Congratulations on your performance, Amara!" Bethy said, smiling. Amara smiled at her, and spoke."Thank you."

Louis and Amara got a congrats to other people who watch, and Ginerva looks to other shyly who congrats, Amara and Louis look each other and went to Ginerva to congrats her.

"Hey, Ginerva congrats on our performance, and wow your voice is so gorgeous!"Amara compliment her, and Ginerva smiled at her shyly.

"You too! I love your voice and i hope we can be friends!" Ginerva rumbling, and when she realized what she said, she look down not to look at Amara and Louis.

"That girl looks like Ginny, Gred."

"You know, Feorge. Your right!"

"Of course we can be friends! We hope to see you at our house soon, we want to introduced you Louis here, with my sisters!" Amara says happily, and Louis nodded.

"Yeah, just give us your address, sovwe can go there and hang out."

Ginerva is so happy that she had a friend not one but TWO friends, she's happy because her friends is there, and not Tristan and Karen, they bullied her when Amara and Louis is not around.


The seven exited the theatre, and Amara watched as Mr. Brooke offered her sister his arm, Meg took it. Her jaw dropped and she looked at Louis then Jo, who mirrored her expression, but Jo ran on and took Meg's arm.

"You alright there, Ron?"


Louis and Ginervan left Amara with Laurie, as Laurie outstretched his aram, and Amara look around and saw Louis and Ginerva smiled at her teasingly. Amara ignored it, putting her arm around his back and resting her hand on his shoulderz her head on hisnother shoulder. He wrapped his, in turn, around her waist. "Your so gorgeous, Ara and I'm so proud of your talent" Laurie smiled, and Amara smiled back but laugh when Laurie dug his fingers into her waist, tickling her.

The girls in the great hall squeal at them.

"Oh my god! I wish i had Theodore Laurence too!" Lavender Brown says.

Amara look at Laurie lovingly, and Laurie hugged her behind, Caelum is with now Bellatrix because she wants to hold him too, so Laurie gave it to her.

"Laurie!" She shrieked, running from him, she ran past her sisters, and Laurie ran after her. She circled around Jo, and hid behind her.

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